Larkrail 2024 and 2025


Western Thunderer
Yet another stonking show with plenty to inspire and entertain.

Great to meet familiar faces and keyboard connections.

Captain Kernow

Western Thunderer
Larkrail has always been for me, first and foremost, one of the premier hobby social events. Yes, the layouts are always of a high standard and the catering is also excellent, but it's the chance to catch up with lots of friends that is the main attraction, as far as I am concerned. In fact, having grown up in the area, other West Country shows also present such opportunities, but Larkrail (and Camrail before than) is somehow the premier such event for me.

As such and having been largely absent from most of my usual shows for the last couple of years, mainly due to medical reasons, this most recent Larkrail was a particularly sociable event and may have been the first show where I didn't even manage to speak to everyone I would have liked to. There were even folk I would have liked to talk to and who were there, but who I didn't even see!

So for everyone I missed, please accept my apologies. I wasn't being rude, just very busy caught up in a most agreeable 'social whirl' but also suffering from the effects of an indifferent nights sleep at a local purple-themed hotel chain (don't always believe everything that Lenny Henry tells you - surely it's now time to change the winter duvets....).

My thanks again to Jerry and Simon for yet another excellent event.


Slightly confused, an internet search reveals three dates for Larkrail 2025, March 29th and two in July 13th/26th. Could Simon @ Bath, please correct these anomalies as I need to arrange for assistance from my care person.

Thank you


Simon posted this on RMweb’s 2024 thread (on 28th July 2024 page 9)
“but we can now confirm that next year's Larkrail will be taking place on Saturday 26th July 2025.”