7mm Layouts and Dioramas by Stephen Fay Weymouth coal stage and St Stephen’s bank

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
The last of the fencing reinstalled today plus hanging baskets and more flowers, trees removed for fitment of the telegraph wires and I’ve run out again, Thankfully Amazon prime to the rescue and more will be here tomorrow, ferns have sprouted up as well as the station lamps. I’ve dry brushed the goods shed and station black and brown and I can start to add the grey washes tomorrow.
Pumpkins growing in the greenhouse. The list of jobs is diminishing by the day but I’ve got to paint the fascia add some stone borders around some of the gardens and finish painting the buildings mainly the roofs and weathering everything that needs it and add the station signage which is On route from Sankey Scenics.0AF4F479-E5B3-4F26-8FD8-D4B02F95932C.pngF4C0A606-71C6-4EBA-8C50-C05FCB706F09.pngABFBC14C-6D5C-4715-AC42-CF018D548C29.png8F1FA9AF-CA58-4681-9885-A9425F97F0B8.png5AF1F39B-3373-422E-A658-569B5A9A97DC.png

Richard Gawler

Western Thunderer
If your subject allows, perhaps the waiting shelter could be a little further from the signal box, or even removed altogether for a future project? This could make a change better than toning down the fresh paint and ballast.

The garden beside the signal box looks much happier with its fence, as if the fence unifies the scene. If I thought it looked a bit overcrowded before, I don't now.

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
I’ve had this little Dapol pannier tucked away for some time now, 7714 with sound. It’s destined for Cardiff Canton so I thought I’d choose a local loco 7724 of Pontypool Road shed 86G, however she was a top feed fitted loco and had different tank fillers to the ones fitted. Warren Shephard castings added along with new steam, vac pipes, smoke box door dart and steam lance cock. Next job is to bend some wire for the top feed pipe then prime it and spray Halfords satin black.
Another little detail added at Norton Saint Somers again taking inspiration from Midsomers a nice set of fire buckets ( I’ll add real sand ) and finally some superb 3D printed bits for Marches Road coal stage which I hope to get back to next week.3767378C-4946-4379-8C6B-7533C9244778.png5B33B1A5-2FA4-4154-AC3C-1EC84E9C5266.png3CD945A3-A47C-4764-811B-44B2383E21B7.jpeg

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
The Fontleroys luggage pile has grown, rumour has it once Master Fontleroy had gone back to boarding school Lady Fontleroy headed off to the states causing quite the stir amongst the villagers!
The station porter and signal man have arrived these will now go away for paint.D80705F6-F52D-43C5-BF7D-4814813447EF.png3F7D1790-C845-4764-9958-BA681DC2BEB3.jpegC445FD08-8D7B-4960-B6A0-018D627F90BB.png
The bag has been added to the water crane using 5mm heat shrink tubing


Western Thunderer
Yes, Americans, Australians and English pig farmers.
and Austrians, they're very keen on kürbiskernöl. It goes very well on salads, and, bizarrely, as a dressing on ice cream.

and a bit like that wierd car paint, it's diachromatic, changes colour dependent on how you look at it.

you buy it in supermarkets & farm shops over there, health food shops here, though I believe its entirely snake-free.