7mm Layouts and Dioramas by Stephen Fay Weymouth coal stage and St Stephen’s bank

Richard Gawler

Western Thunderer
There is a part of me which wants to build a 7ft x 18in layout on the diagonal of a 7 x 3 ft board, to give me better photographic opportunities and to make space for local landscape in the two triangular spaces. The idea seems a bit indulgent (impossible to take to shows) but I will watch this scheme with interest. Such a baseboard could be hinged to fold up against a wall at home.

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
There is a part of me which wants to build a 7ft x 18in layout on the diagonal of a 7 x 3 ft board, to give me better photographic opportunities and to make space for local landscape in the two triangular spaces. The idea seems a bit indulgent (impossible to take to shows) but I will watch this scheme with interest. Such a baseboard could be hinged to fold up against a wall at home.
I’m always looking for new inspiration and angles to break from the normal approach to modelling so I am excited to get going on this one.

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
I like the idea of a non traditional shape baseboard :thumbs:.

If you haven't already I'd be inclined to check some colour photos of the Woodhead route as the underlying geology may not be the same as your walking area. To me the rocks should be more of a brown/blue/grey colour with patches of a reddish tinge. Again all subjective.

This photo of Woodhead is from Wikipedia

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
After the construction of Beattystone and Grimsby I had a 3’ x1’ length of 9mm ply left over, eureka I thought, that will make a nice little loco display. Low relief coal stage two lines some pits water crane etc, so an hour or so with the saw this afternoon and we have a showcase. This will be a nice little home display and something easily transportable for local shows. Pop two fiddle yards either side to drive a loco on and off scene and hey presto! 6F7C74C7-188C-45CC-BABF-AC5AA88066E0.png5BF4FA8C-1842-4B0B-A709-5B7BC43AB4E8.png

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
Whilst taking a wonder down the local river I noticed a section of rail stuck out the ground with some sleepers bolted to it, this was done when the council moved the river to create a playing field along side a then new post war estate. This inspired me to make some rudimentary river defences for our bridge.
The river will be around 2 sleepers deep.
Also moulding rocks and sticking them
In place. I’m still awaiting a few other rock moulds to come to add more variety and fill in gaps.

Once I’ve finished adding pebbles the river base will get a few green / brown washes.

Compton castle

Western Thunderer
The rocks and coal have hadF1D9449D-4C16-4363-A4A9-A7CFD8ED1213.jpeg a liberal coating of PVA applied, I always use builders grade stuff, as a builder in a previous career it’s actually cheaper to buy in bulk as I use quite a lot. The first of the acrylic paints have arrived for the basic rock colours, some of the rocks have a blue hue whilst others have an orange.
I have some grey emulsion from my living room left over that I can mix with some white emulsion to make various grey washes.

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
Bulking out the rock moulds with some real coal keeping the strata angles the same, Once the glue has set I’ll give it all a coating of PVA sealer before a primer coat of paint.

Nice attention to detail as there are a number of geologists or those of us who have studied geology within WT :)