Leeds Central Station

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
I was in our offices today which are built on the site of the long demolished Central Station and NER, GN, LNWR and L&Y goods yards and sheds.

The area is shown bounded on this 1914 OS extract from NLS (National Library of Scotland).

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And on this image (again from NLS). Also seen are two of the three ex-NER roundhouses and the Turning Shops. It's also interesting to see how the new buildings follow the old track alignment which becomes obvious from the map as the Central Station and approaches were built on a viaduct.

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As part of the development the sad remains of the viaduct over the River Aire and Leeds-Liverpool Canal has been turned into a pleasing raised walkway with gardens. A new access has been provided.

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When you reach the top you are greeted with this.

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The developers have also replaced colonade supports where necessary - albeit similar to but not exactly to the same design as the originals. But hey, give them credit for trying to maintain the originality.

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As you reach the other end towards the bridge which originally crossed the ex Midland lines to Bradford and Skipton you start to see the lines diverge. Where the lines crossed there was the GN Holbeck High Level and Midland Holbeck Low Level stations (evident on the earlier OS map). The proximity of the GN Holbeck station to the Central station is almost akin to Holborn Viaduct and Ludgate Hill.

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There is still alot of building going on of offices and apartments around the area.

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Two obligatory train photos. A LNER London service and a Northern service from Harrogate.

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The centrepiece within the Wellington Place office complex is this sole remaining ex LNWR/L&Y wagon hoist. It is currently shrouded as it is being preserved and will contain a small museum with the history of the railways and industry of the immediate area.

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The pièce de résistance is back on landscaped walkway. Part of the original GN/NER/LNER infrastructure - this lone wooden signal post which seems to have somehow survived the decades

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Western Thunderer
I hadn’t realised so much work was under way: I’ll go and have a shufty when I’m next in Leeds. I think it’s a shame that Leeds Council didn’t take up Anthony Gormley’s design and plans for ‘Leeds Brick Man’ near the confluence of the current lines east of the station. The cost wasn’t high, but got rejected. He did the Flying Angel at Gateshead instead, and see how iconic that has become.

Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer
The remaining wagon hoist withing the Wellington Place office development on the site of the old GN Central Station has been refurbished and turned into a mini-museum.

These were some of the hoardings providing a bit of history during refurbishment.

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Western Thunderer
Thanks for this, Dave. All credit to the railway and council burghers. One wonders whether they learnt their lesson (well, the council anyway) when they built a motorway through the middle of the town.

When Steph was at Uni we went to a market under the station between the river and canal. It was really rather damp and spooky but had loads of character. Sadly that's not there any more. Last time I was in Leeds they were working on the river and turning it in to a feature. That'll tell you how long ago that was!
