Oh dear, where are the weeks and months a going?... ...Heck, I've just spotted the date on my last post!
I heard myself sighing yesterday afternoon. Just when it seems that I'm on the home straight, there is another niggling issue that turns out not to be as easy to sort out as first imagined!
Although I'm not blaming anyone, I will make no apologies for banging on about this subject, mainly because I think it is worth repeating! Wood, solid and in ply form, MDF and cardboard are fibrous materials that appear to be reasonably rigid - or at the very least self-supporting! A common feature is that they are all fibrous, and effectively "live", and will expand and contract in varying atmospheric conditions. The trouble is that they do so in different directions and amounts!! Attaching these materials together is effectively sowing the seeds of perpetual conflict.
Trouble is, the temptation to build structures as strong and conveniently as possible, including an eye on cost (perversely, the thinner material is usually more expensive!) we can end up expending far more time and effort struggling with these warring factions!
And that's even before we decide to try sticking plastic or metal onto the stuff...!
The point is,
the thicker the material used, the greater the bending forces are exerted!
Far better then to use the thinnest sheet material practicable, and apply as much belt and bracing as possible. It might appear to be more fussy and time consuming at the beginning, but will save a great deal of head and heartache later!!
So to the latest instalment of the epic Love Lane roof tale...
It is so easy with hindsight to consider what I
should have done
before even starting to stick all those tiles on the roof...
A couple of fairly hefty "purlins" (lengthwise ribs) under each side might have persuaded the wretchedly wayward MDF to stay reasonably flat?
As it is, the otherwise lovely roof is now irresistibly curling up at the corners, revealing completely unacceptable daylight twixt tile and walls at both front corners.
The only option was to scrap the laser cut soffits and facias and build up new, tailored ones in soft strip wood:
The triangular fillets at the gables will eventually form dummy "flashing" - a slightly awkward necessity to allow the roof to be lifted up over the brick detailing. Rather foolishly, I decided to fit them to the walls first with some notion that it would make alignment easier?! Quite apart from anything else, like cutting the wrong way on the grain, they were rather vulnerable and yes, I managed to knock the corner off the one on the left in the above image!
What a Charlie?
The next layers required a rebate (or is that rabbet, or rabbit - as in; I said router when it should have been rooter?!!) at the ends to fit under the fillets. More work than necessary eh?
For added strength, I butted the next strips over the visible mitred joints. Even after trimming, the end grain would be expected to show, but fear not, those bits will eventually be covered by the guttering!!
I also added some thin raised light proofing strips behind, although they were limited in height because of the thickness of the roof sheets.
Incidentally, one great benefit of ditching the original design was that a step could be created all around the walls, thus allowing a separate and removable ceiling to be snugly fitted over the whole interior!
A slight shaving was needed at this end and a general tidy.
Yeah, I broke the end off this fillet as well - more flippin' work!
You will notice that I couldn't resist making a start on the aforementioned ceiling - a nice and easy as well as a vital bit of relief on an otherwise frustratingly fiddly, faffing about, fettling day!
Mount board makes a perfect interior finish, where it is less prone to impact damage, but will warp like crazy on humid days.
There was just enough time left before clocking off to make a start on the vital bracing up job!
Even here there are still some slightly naughty gaps!
The pitch and level of the roof means that the edge bracing is rather thin on top, so the whole thing could still go curly on us?
I fancy a simplified bit of cornice detail would not be a wasteful exercise in mere frippery, but serve a dual function of adding extra rigidity and hiding the worst of the cracks into the bargain?!!
All right, the truth is that I enjoy the challenge a bit too much!