7mm Making a common crossing for 7mm or S7 (the hard way)

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
Another hour of bodging and... not a chair leg in sight. Two wing rails done and the flangeways checked with the appropriate gauge. Here is the current state of play before a session with the hot stick:-


regards, Graham

Dog Star

Western Thunderer
After forming all of the pieces for the common crossing the time has come to assemble the individual pieces into one unit. For reliability I solder the vee and the wing rails to brass strip and thereby ensure that the flangeway is correct... that the running faces of the wings and vee are in line... and that the crossing does not fall to pieces whilst in use. The first step is attaching some of the brass strip to the vee, the strips are placed so as to lie central to the timbers as that makes fitting chairs an easy matter:-


Next step is to place another brass strip, position the wing rails with the flangeway gauge and then secure with the wedge. The left hand strip is not going to lie in the desired location because I stuck the outer fences too close to the knuckle - I shall adjust this strip after the crossing is removed from the jig.


And here is one I prepared earlier... the three strips are now parallel. I shall have to cut the excess brass away and then try the crossing against the timbers so that I cut the four "free" rail ends at the correct places.


Not one of my best photos... the next time this crossing appears in a photo on WT shall be when the unit has been installed on Hartley Hill.

regards, Graham