Well thanks to the Mod Squad for changing the thread title
After getting well and truly p*ss*d off at the bungling civil servants at the Housing Asylum and their endeavors at trying to royally screw up my posting I unpacked

This was a very tactical exercise in unpacking. In other words I unpacked some of my train stuff

Shh, don't tell the ball and chain. Even though my control panel and layout wiring looks like a can of exploding Heinz Spaghetti in sauce I got this urge to do something different, especially as college has finished for this year

So with a modicum of modellers mojo I revisited my plans for my late 80's Hunslet Barclay weed-killing train. After looking through my resource material I decided that the tool coach would be the easiest to do.
So I've set about compiling a small 'bits list' so that I can convert a Lima CK into this particular carriage. I plan on stripping off all the protruding detail especially on the ends which are non-gangway and perfectly smooth. I am going to cut out the areas for the roller shutter doors where the corresponding windows should be and also cut out where the louvered vent is. I will then make up the roller doors and vent out of some thin styrene sheet. I intend to try and simulate how everything has been sheeted over by cutting one long piece of the thinnest styrene and gluing it over the whole side. Then with a gentle bit of persuasion aim to reproduce the ripple effect of where they've sheeted over all the openings. I've so far sourced some battery boxes, brake pipes, buffers and Kadees. I need to find out if these coaches were air, vacuum or dual braked so I can buy the corresponding bits. I also need to know what roof vents to buy and I plan on utilizing some of the Triang Big-Big bogies for now as these are not a bad representation of a B4 bogie (me and my penny pinching). I'm in luck as I have a maroon Big-Big with scale wheels so will remove these for fitting on the new tool coach. The bogies will need a few cosmetic touches doing to it but nothing major.
I'm also going to try and simulate the ribbed effect (ooh err missus

) on the roof but I was actually toying with seeing if I could acquire some Easybuild roofs. If I could get these then I could widen the coach as well (a ot easier than doing it myself) as I'm still undecided on whether to widen them or not?
All in all I think that this should be a relatively straightforward conversion (famous last words) and will give me something to keep me ticking along until after we eventually move (IF).
And I know, I know, post lots of pics

If I get round to taking them that is
As always thoughts, comments and ideas most welcome,
PS I forgot to mention, I'm going to have to find a source for some window etches too as this coach has one double window left in.