Michael's Werkbank LNER V2


Western Thunderer
A detail worth to mention are the brass valve gear. They would have been ugly in their yellowish colour and the manuals proposal to tin them didn't seem very feasible. I had read some time ago about a DIY method to chemically plate brass with nickel and that is what I tried.

before and after plating the brass parts.


Chas Levin

Western Thunderer
Wow - that looks really good! Trying out plating is on my to-do list, o this is very interesting... might have to move it up the list a bit.


Western Thunderer
Next project is a LNER V2.

I did always like the elegant line of this machine with its conical boiler and its streamlined cab.
Some time ago, a Martin Finney kit was sold in the bay, I couldn't resist :)

I collected a bit of information and found a couple of nice books and online pictures. Additionally, I had a chance to visit the Green Arrow in Doncaster and take a lot of pictures. If interested, I put the onto my flickr account. LNER V2 Green Arrow
Many thanks to Rob Pulham for his pictures on flickr, they are very useful.
A nice one came up from an unexpected source. In the 1960s, Enthusiasts from the UK visited steam sites on the continet, but continental Steam fans were also busy in the UK. Some time ago, a nice collection was published on Bundesbahnzeit.de
This picture came from that source:
60832 b16-60832.jpg

I have asked the author for a high res print and that will be the prototype I plan to model.

More later...


Western Thunderer
That's a superb resource Michael, thank you for posting.

It's COLOUR from 1960! Of course the visitors were loaded with AGFA!


Western Thunderer
@Chas, it is a Martin Finney kit.
I have started the kit already quite some time ago beginning with the tender. As expected for a first class kit, it went together without any problem.


The yellow tape is supposed to protect the paint at the edges. I have noticed at prototypes that the coal grinds any paint from the coal chute. I am not yet happy with the effect, the border between painted and blank metal is far too pronounced, that will need a lot of rust, coal powder etc. to look good.

The loco has also made good progress, firebox, boiler, footplate and cabin are basically ready.


However, I can't proceed with the frame assembly, because I am waiting for the Finney7 hornblocks. They have been ordered and paid in September, but I guess I can abandon all hope to ever receive them.

Is there any kind soul in this forum that has a spare set of LNER hornblocks? Would this kind soul eventually be willing to shoulder the trouble of filling a customs form for sending the hornblocks to Germany?

I may just go ahead on use the cast Slaters hornblocks. :-(



Western Thunderer
I don't know what has happened to you order as I only deal with the superior products of the railway workshop in Swindon ;) . I remember that we have had customs troubles before thanks to the Brexit stupidity. I'll ask some questions. Sorry.


Flying Squad
Hi Michael,

I am very sorry you have not received the hornblocks. There always seems to be one customer where it all falls apart....

I have checked and we initially had some difficulty with the customs system. However they did eventually get through customs both here and in Germany and we received confirmation that they attempted delivery on 11th February, but that you did not appear to be in. They further state that they had left a note as to how you could make arrangements for delivery, and we assumed that was that.

It appears that something has unfortunately gone wrong your end. Are you able to pursue it?



Chas Levin

Western Thunderer
Hope they reach you safely Michael: this sort if Brexit-inspired difficulty is so common now. I deal with this sort of thing regularly at work.

If you'll forgive my straying briefly into a somewhat political area, I do hope that those who voted for us to leave still feel that all the problems - economic, social, political and so forth - are worth living with for our newfound isolation. And that no-one's too disappointed that things they thought would improve through us leaving have in fact either remained the same, or worsened.

Ok, political moment over - back to modelling!

I have an ex-Finney Brassmasters A1 4mm kit in my pile, which I'm looking forward to building very much...