Trade Mousa Models


Western Thunderer
Thanks for the info - linked to the Irish model forum for the gen vehicles -albeit the MK2 now rtr but the mk 1 amd 3 based are kit or bash projects.

Bill Bedford

Western Thunderer
Just a quick heads up.

I've put up a new webpage that allows downloading lists of most of the coach etches that were sold under the Bill Bedford Models label. Anything in these pages can be made to special order, at least initially.

Bill Bedford

Western Thunderer
Introducing Mousa Magnetic Couplings

Three types of 4mm Scale Mousa Magnetic Couplings are now available:

MMC3_Low_BP_Screw_Couplings_2024-Oct-14.pngMMC3_Low_BP_Screw_Couplings_2024-Oct-14.png (139.67 KiB) Not viewed yet
MMC3 Low Brake Pipe

MMC2_High_BP_Screw_Couplings_2024-Oct-14.pngMMC2_High_BP_Screw_Couplings_2024-Oct-14.png (159.35 KiB) Not viewed yet
MMC2 High Brake Pipe

MMC1 Three-Link

Additional couplings, including Buckeye and Instanta options, are also being developed.
Each coupling is made from three parts 3D-printed from a tough and slightly flexible resin and features four strong magnets for secure connections.
Easy Installation: Attach the sockets along the vehicle floor’s centre line and close enough to the headstock for the coupling to swing freely. Insert the coupling ball into the socket for a secure fit.
These couplings work well for fixed train formations and with sprung buffers. However, long coaches on tight curves may have issues.
To couple, buffer up the vehicles, and the magnets will pull the coupling into place. To uncouple, press down gently on one end with a small screwdriver.

• Pack of 5: £25
• Pack of 10: £40
• Pack of 20: £60
• Plus postage.

Try them today!

Available from:


Active Member
These look very interesting! I look forward to trying out some instanter versions when they're available. Be interesting to see how robust they are.



Western Thunderer
As others have said; this looks like an interesting development. Excuse me for being thick (or maybe unseeing - in my defence, it is Monday...) but is the cost for a pair per wagon (so 5 pairs for £25.00)?




Western Thunderer
As you say four magnets are involved, does this mean that the couplings will function whichever way the vehicle is placed on the track?

Bill Bedford

Western Thunderer
This was posted in another place, which gives a much better description than I could manage.

They are for 'fixed rake' trains where any shunting or reformation is off-scene, though reforming in the fiddle yard is quick and easy.
When a vehicle is offered near another one so fitted, the coupling jumps into place, the design of the connection under the floor and behind the buffer beam ensuring that there is adequate strength to pull the longest trains.
The appearance is far better than with any auto-coupler fitted stock, as is the movement, apart perhaps compared with buckeyes.