Introducing Mousa Magnetic Couplings
Three types of 4mm Scale Mousa Magnetic Couplings are now available:

MMC3_Low_BP_Screw_Couplings_2024-Oct-14.png (139.67 KiB) Not viewed yet
MMC3 Low Brake Pipe

MMC2_High_BP_Screw_Couplings_2024-Oct-14.png (159.35 KiB) Not viewed yet
MMC2 High Brake Pipe

MMC1 Three-Link
Additional couplings, including Buckeye and Instanta options, are also being developed.
Each coupling is made from three parts 3D-printed from a tough and slightly flexible resin and features four strong magnets for secure connections.
Easy Installation: Attach the sockets along the vehicle floor’s centre line and close enough to the headstock for the coupling to swing freely. Insert the coupling ball into the socket for a secure fit.
These couplings work well for fixed train formations and with sprung buffers. However, long coaches on tight curves may have issues.
To couple, buffer up the vehicles, and the magnets will pull the coupling into place. To uncouple, press down gently on one end with a small screwdriver.
• Pack of 5: £25
• Pack of 10: £40
• Pack of 20: £60
• Plus postage.
Try them today!
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