Issue 140 has gone to the printers for distribution at the end of the month.

This issue features some of the unusual oddities of the narrow gauge and industrial world, including the remarkable but little known C W Hunt system which adopted outside flanged wheels by design. We also include railcars, traction engine based locos and a model of the first SG diesel shunter in Britain. Less unusual is some classic German Feldbahnen and of course the usual product reviews and readers letters.
Charles Hunt’s Innovative Railways - Martin E Johnston describes the history of this unique outside flange based railway system with plans and drawings
Austin Power - An English railcar deep in the Swedish woods modelled in 1:45 scale by Tobias Ljung
Marshall 0-4-0TG Locomotive No.1 - Prototype photos taken at Pepper & Son, Amberley in 1959 by Paul Myatt
Scout Moor Tramway Locomotive No.1 Excelsior - 3ft gauge Aveling & Porter described by Stuart L Baker with prototype photos and 1:32 scale drawing
Tjalve – A Beyer Peacock for Norway - Modelled in 7mm scale by Ian Middleditch with makers GA drawing
Kerr, Stuart Works No.4421 - Stuart Firth scratch builds this historic SG diesel in EM/4mm scale
Bananen (The Banana) - Henrik Laurell models this unusual loco in 1:45 scale with prototype photos
Heinrich Müller Kalkwerke - 600mm gauge classic German Feldbahn prototype photos and map by Col David W Ronald