Though I've yet to finish the last building I've been putting together, the shipping office seen just behind the van in the photo above, I thought I'd better press on with another as an exhibition deadline is looming. I chose the first building at the other end of the layout, a small theatre and concert hall inspired by
this far bigger example in Bruges. The starting point is an Artitec facade picked up from their stand at Ontraxs a few years ago. I'm pretty sure it's actually supposed to be a church but the design bears at lot of similarities to the municipal theatre in Bruges.
Whilst Artitec have done most of the hard work I'm still left with the job of turning a low relief flat into a 3-D building. Because of it's location on the layout the right hand wall (looking form the front) will be largely blank, the left hand one will be very close to the bridge so the lower half will be little seen. However the back will be on view from my operating position at the rear. I've concocted a fictitious, yet hopefully believable rear, deliberately plain to contrast with the fancy front.
The side next to the bridge will be seen and here I wanted to introduce a row of blind windows to beak up what otherwise would have been a rather plain wall. I've also continued some of the detailing from the front, but with the volume turned down a notch or two.
I've now reached about as far as I can go with this one until I next visit Aberystwyth for a fresh tine of Halfords white primer as a base coat for the pale stone finish I intend to use.