Over the last few years I've bought into O gauge, firstly a Dapol 08, then various wagon kits. I hope to one day build a layout that will be a correctly timetabled goods depot, much the same as my Dublingham layout. I personally cannot fathom why you'd build a finescale layout and not run it like a proper railway. I see it at every exhibition, some which claim highest standards available. We've seemingly learnt nothing from pioneers like Rev Peter Denny and Frank Dyer. But I repeat, this is my personal view and is neither wrong nor right.
I reasoned PECO 7mm indivdulay point components are good enough for me, as opposed to the PECO rtr, meaning I could use templot, which neatly brings me to my professional architectural and prop modelmaking days. Almost everywhere I worked we had a saying, "close enough is good enough". For me as others have noted, I just don't have the time available or the will to put in the extra effort.
But as ever, this is what makes it a great hobby, there's room for all and no one is right or wrong.