New to here


Western Thunderer
Over the last few years I've bought into O gauge, firstly a Dapol 08, then various wagon kits. I hope to one day build a layout that will be a correctly timetabled goods depot, much the same as my Dublingham layout. I personally cannot fathom why you'd build a finescale layout and not run it like a proper railway. I see it at every exhibition, some which claim highest standards available. We've seemingly learnt nothing from pioneers like Rev Peter Denny and Frank Dyer. But I repeat, this is my personal view and is neither wrong nor right.

I reasoned PECO 7mm indivdulay point components are good enough for me, as opposed to the PECO rtr, meaning I could use templot, which neatly brings me to my professional architectural and prop modelmaking days. Almost everywhere I worked we had a saying, "close enough is good enough". For me as others have noted, I just don't have the time available or the will to put in the extra effort.

But as ever, this is what makes it a great hobby, there's room for all and no one is right or wrong.



Western Thunderer
I think it was Cyril Freezer’s book on signalling where the remark along the lines of “don’t care if it’s a train of ping pong balls as long as it’s properly signalled with lock & block” appeared.

It’s all about personal choices, personal priorities, (and, ipso facto, personal compromises) as any hobby should be.



Western Thunderer
I think it was Cyril Freezer’s book on signalling where the remark along the lines of “don’t care if it’s a train of ping pong balls as long as it’s properly signalled with lock & block” appeared.

It’s all about personal choices, personal priorities, (and, ipso facto, personal compromises) as any hobby should be.


Hear, hear! (I love the C J Freezer quote)


Western Thunderer
Interesting discussion...

For me it's continuity of the whole that's more important than the absolute fidelity of one part in preference to others. I'm more likely to spend less time watching a S7 kit builder's layout with poor or no scenics than a non-exact gauge one using RTR but with equal attention paid to the whole picture.

In my book gauge is just one of many elements and although the engineer in me likes things to be right, my own compromises are to:

~ handbuild track to 31.5mm which gives finer flangeways and a better overall appearance than Peco RTR but enables you to run standard 7mm stock straight out of the box.
~ give up baseboard space for scenic, buildings and other non-railway elements rather than fill the board full of track. This enables me to set the railway in a scene and enjoy making buildings.
~ abandon any idea of big locos on long express trains and compromise on smaller locos on two-coach trains or goods of about 8 wagons. It enables me to have a layout in a 5.3m x 1m space.
~ use RTR to supplement the long, long duration kit builds. Spending hours regauging stock, paying extra for wheels to be turned doesn't float my boat or pocket. This enables me to spend time on the elements I enjoy.

The important thing is that you have to find what works for you and accept others may have different preferences.


Western Thunderer

We’re on the same page except that I still hanker after big locos and big trains to go with them.

All being well, two years from now...

Forgot to mention that I've made 1 exception to the small loco policy... A Bulleid Light Pacific because I really like them - it's still in flatpack form at the moment (Finney7 kit) but I did make sure the loco release headshunt on the layout was long enough. A compromised compromise?

Personally I appreciate the skill and effort that goes into getting big locos with complex outside valve gear to work in S7 tolerances and go round unprototypical tight curves. I don't think the track side of S7 would pose me any issues as I've hand built my own in 31.5.

I think the reasoned debate on this thread has shown that nobody is anti S7.... It just doesn't fit in their own preferences or cash/space/time/skill/interest limitations.
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