O&EM workbench - back to vans


Western Thunderer
Hi Adam,
1000mm is the radius of the track in Templot.

Currently, my largest EM loco is a Pannier. I have a Bachmann 45xx to convert, so this is likely to be the largest loco. I'm not much of a fan of anything larger.

I've not found any recommendations on the EMGS website for minimum radius, so went for a metre, following reading up on Ian Futers Longwitton layout.

Ah, proper size locos which like corners rather than curves. :)


Dan Randall

Western Thunderer
Hi Dan,
An explanation of the Romford style exit is here.

Post in thread 'LSWR B4 - real life minimum radius' https://www.westernthunder.co.uk/threads/lswr-b4-real-life-minimum-radius.11133/post-263222

It had a 1 chain radius curve over the yard exit road.

The yard at Romford being at the bottom of an incline was worked as follows: GER Appendix dated 1891, ‘brake van must be placed in the front while descending and at the rear while ascending’
Thanks Tony

I did wonder if it was a reference to a picture I’d seen somewhere, with an absurd radius. Turns out, the “somewhere”, was here on WT and I’d even put a “Like” against the post! :))




Western Thunderer
My Bachmann Pannier conversion to EM is going ok I think. I'm using Romfords with 3mm axles and deluxe crankpins. I needed to add a sleeve to accommodate the Bachmann rods and slice the crankpin nut in half as it is too long. All eventually done and blackened.

The brake pull rods were also thinned down.

Seems to work ok, but am still convinced my Dublo mechanisms are actually smoother, but I haven't had the chance to test them with a feedback controller yet, so I think this will be the clincher.


Western Thunderer
I've also been tinkering with converting a Hornby Ruston 48DS to EM. I looked around in the various spares boxes and came across some Gibson 2mm axles, probably P4 and some 10.5mm Tenshodo spud wheels. They are 'alf a mil to big, but I'm only a 'alf hearted rivet counter. The EM society suggests using lowmac wheels, also 10.5mm diameter, so if it's good enough for them... My conversion also has the advantage over the Gibson option in the the pickups don't need to be extended to the rims, as per Gibson wheels.

So here's the wheelsets, with a Hornby Gresley bogie, also freshly converted to EM.


Then the final conversion, which I did in an evening!


And the loco sitting on blocks running in, using the match wagon for power.



Western Thunderer
For the locos you've got, no problem. With enough sideplay, corners work fine (Iain Rice wouldn't have blanched at that in P4)...

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Western Thunderer
Thanks Adam, I was hoping 900mm is reasonable. Once the circle is divided into quarters they can be easily stored.


Western Thunderer
Have been busy converting some of the stock I made for Dublingham to EM. Has been quite a journey for them, they started out in P4 thirty years ago and having been refurbished for Dublo now are going EM.


So first off is the van, off goes the Dublo 10' chassis and the original 9' chassis comes back on.


Got quite a few to do.


Western Thunderer
I'm also building a Dapol/Airfix lowmac. Not having a great time trying to straighten it out with hot water. I wrecked a Railbus chassis with boiling water once, so am careful with the temperature, but I'm still not happy with it.


I'm also using P4 wheels, simply because I have them, is this advisable for EM pointwork?


Western Thunderer
I have procured a cheap eBay Bachmann 25, but it's drivetrain is caked in so much white grease that it doesn't work and needs a total stripdown. Any ideas on a degreaser that won't attack the plastic?

My ideas are lighter fuel or washing up liquid.


Western Thunderer
Probably not Tony as they wont be wide enough for the EM check rail clearances and you will probably find the wheels drop into the vee.

From experience - I bought some P4 wheels in error and thought I'd try them to see what happened - I'd say that's right (though not necessarily for that reason alone, it was a key factor - I found that they magnified every track issue, possibly because you're off the map when it comes to back to back measurements).



Western Thunderer
Thank you everyone for your replies. Lighter fuel it is then. On the wheels, I can't quite get my head round it, but I guess having a 17mm back to back will just mean the flangeways won't be keeping the wheels from sliding to the left or right as they transit through the frog?

Jim smith-wright

Western Thunderer
Sort of. The slop would be the same regardless (basically anyway, the wider flange root of an EM wheel would take some of this up) but with a wider em wheel you can afford more slop without the edge of the wheel falling off the check rail. (A wheel should never be unsupported crossing through a vee.) An EM wheel is 0.25mm wider than a p4 wheel while the gap between the check rail and the running rail is 0.4mm wider in EM (which is the easy way to tell the 2 track gauges apart).

So basically you're introducing a need for much finer tolerances than either standard by mixing them


Western Thunderer
Obviously I have a soft spot for all things Dublo. So when I saw the display of Iain Rice wagons at the recent Larkrail show, I was pleased to see a converted Dublo standard van. It's well known the moulding has issues, but I don't care, rule one applies. So here's my next EM wagon project.

I hadn't got any spare Dublo van bodies, but a quick Google reveals they are still available from Dapol for the princely sum of £1.67 each! I'd already got a few cheap Parkside chassis and ABS buffers in stock.

But I thought I'd go even further back to the future on this project...

I have been less than impressed with the way pin point axles make a wagon move and most impressed at the way Dublo wagons move off, one at a time. So I dug out some dome end Jackson wheels and PECO dome end bushes and viola! An EM standard van old school style.



Western Thunderer
So it's onwards with various vans, the standard van and LMS van chassis were completed, just vac pipes on the standard to go. A few changes seen here in white plastikard with a proper sized vac chamber from another kit.


They are now primed with Halford plastic primer and ready for top coats. I've also made a start on converting the insulfish from Dublo standard to EM by removing the Dublo couplings and brake gear, wheels seem ok for EM.


Have a 16t and RCH mineral on the workbench too.


Western Thunderer
Latest Templot version of the roundy roundy, gone for 1020mm minimum radius now, so will be a bit bigger. I have decided the main running lines will all be on embankment, with a continuous blue backscene. The sidings will be at a lower level in front of the backscene with a tunnel under the embankment for the private siding.

The whole thing is divided into four.



Western Thunderer
Next up on the wagons under a tenner stable is the first of three Cambrian PO's bought for a £1 each. Reasonably well put together, but needing work, so back they have gone to kit form.

I got a job lot of Parkside underframes (£2.50 each) and included was four PO chassis, just the ticket for these three as the Cambrian mouldings are a bit rough and ready. I also got a stash of round end EM Jackson wheels for free from the Chelmsford show, so these three will have PECO round end axle bearings.

The wagon floor seems to be 20thou shorter than the sides, so a slither of plastikard went in at one end.

I also bought some Lanarkshire models buffers, (£2.50) for these so the all in price looks like £6 each.



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