Old Parrock


New Member
Paul, congratulations on the article about Old Parrock in September's Railway Modeller, very nice write up and excellent photos of what is a very photogenic layout, all your own work but very well presented by the RM. Thoroughly enjoyed it.


Western Thunderer
Paul, congratulations on the article about Old Parrock in September's Railway Modeller, very nice write up and excellent photos of what is a very photogenic layout, all your own work but very well presented by the RM. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
Many thanks for the kind comment Bowlly. I'm actually very pleased with it because I think they've set it out in an interesting way with photos arranged around the text. It's all packed away at the moment but I'll be setting it up in a weeks time to get it all tested, ready for the Andover Show on 31st August.
Paul, I saw your layout at Andover yesterday and just wanted to say how much I enjoyed it. Thank you for creating a glorious piece of Sussex in miniature, aside from my personal pleasure tracking your layout down led me back to WT, so on more than count thank you.

John Bruce.


Western Thunderer
Paul, I saw your layout at Andover yesterday and just wanted to say how much I enjoyed it. Thank you for creating a glorious piece of Sussex in miniature, aside from my personal pleasure tracking your layout down led me back to WT, so on more than count thank you.

John Bruce.

Thank you so much for that very kind note John - I really do appreciate it. We had a lovely day at the Andover Show. It was nice because we had plenty of space although when we set Old Parrock up in a big hall it does suddenly looks very small! However, it all ran well and our next outing is at Rapido Railex at the end of the month, its last show of the year. Before that I have a terrier driver to glue back in - he drove all Saturday with Bluetack squished under one foot!
Thank you so much for that very kind note John - I really do appreciate it. We had a lovely day at the Andover Show. It was nice because we had plenty of space although when we set Old Parrock up in a big hall it does suddenly looks very small! However, it all ran well and our next outing is at Rapido Railex at the end of the month, its last show of the year. Before that I have a terrier driver to glue back in - he drove all Saturday with Bluetack squished under one foot!
Also thank you for letting me have a look at your "train turntable", sprung components identified and ordered, god bless Ebay!
