It's no problem, Brian. As I said, it's been an interesting discussion, and if I'm honest any discussion about film and audio interests me!
Back on the build, though, I've been studying images to further understand how the engine compartment windows worked. Both locos suffered from excess heat in the engine compartments, and although various attempts were made to solve it, it was not unusual to see one or more windows open when running. I've been trying to work out how the windows worked. Off I went down the rabbit hole once more!
It has become apparent that the double window units were hinged about the centre divider. Rather like a two-door car rear window, the panel could be latched open. This accounts for the sometimes odd reflections and shadows in photos; in fact, once you know what to look for, you can spot the latch mechanism.
I am also of the opinion one or both frames could be dropped down into the body. Oddly, this isn't so obvious in photographs, with only one or two showing what appears to be a completely dropped frame. I can't for the life of me confirm this opening system, though, which is mightily frustrating.
I've also discovered, after studying these locos on and off for two decades, there was a dividing bulkhead at the end of the oily bit and the start of electrical bit. I really think I may have to consider this feature in the build…
I must rein in my detail freak. It gets me into trouble!