Western Thunderer
A further minor advance with this indulgence of mine. A name has been plucked from the ether and the little layout will be known as Orchard Hill. This will enable me to at last use a bulk(ish) purchase made some time back of modestly reasonable trees which had travelled all the way from Viet-Nam to the UK retailer! However, they are reasonable and relatively uniform so should , I hope, make a reasonable orchard - the actual crop has yet to be decided,. Attendant structures will, I am happy to think, be minimal.
Trackwork and wiring having been completed, including a minor modification to the 'yard' which has seen one siding lengthened and the other one removed. Test-running has been undertaken and a couple of wrinkles in the system ironed out, so now the locos and stock have been put in to storage whilst I start the scenery. The first job is the assembly of some buildings so that the siting of them can be done to enable the rising contours to be evolved, As this side of the hobby must rank as my favourite part, I hope further progress will soon be available for another report. So until then.........
Good to hear, Roger, and glad you’re over the frustrating bits of the hobby which can affect impetus and thus progress

Atmospheric choice of name too, ‘Orchard Hill’. Puts me in mind of Somerset, and the orchards/artisan’s gardens that once limed the minor roads of the County, before it became Yuppies retreat.
I suppose that would also provide the solution as to the question of the type of crop: lemons!

Only kidding, Roger. Is Scrumpy the local term for Zomerzet Zider?

Enjoy your scenicking, Roger, which hopefully can be accomplished indoors during the pending inclement season, and I look forward to seeing pictures of developments as and when.