4mm Podimore: constructing a scene


Western Thunderer
Very nice work Adam, the effect on the roof is just so.

Rgds, G

Thank you, Graham. I’m tentatively quite pleased. Still scope for disaster, however! The contrast with the very tidy dairy roof is obvious and that’s key for the impression I’m after.



Western Thunderer
Where is the original building? Please….I need an excuse to explore the villages around SsH


Thorne Coffin - on the blocked off road between Thorne Lane and Chilthorne Domer. A fairly smart (it's near the manor house) but typical field barn. I'd always rather liked it, and it happened to be the right size!



Western Thunderer
With the roof well under way - the other slope is to be tiled though no one will see it - I’ve been scribing the stonework. The real building is basically more or less coursed, neatly dressed and faced rubble from local Hamstone (a nice honey-russet-tinged limestone, it’s ubiquitous in south Somerset and west Dorset),but only on the front!


A little and often sort of a job. The Rowes and the Gravetts are the masters of this sort of thing, so it’s well trodden ground with pencil, worn scalpel blades and a scraper foil cutter.


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Western Thunderer
"Love" emoji not enough for that stonework...

Thanks, David, that's extremely kind. I do worry that this is a party piece with all the complex technique on the entire layout on a single building though. That said, there are only five (of six or seven) roofed buildings and of those, one is a concrete p way hut and another a grounded van, so I suppose I can allow it.

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Western Thunderer
And now it’s done, scribed, lightly distressed, and ridging added from 1/8” styrene tube cut down the middle and stuck on with JB Weld (complete overkill, but I have a tube and unlike epoxy, you can see where it’s been).

Paint will be as and when, nice to finally top this out.




Western Thunderer
A bit of a break from the day's screen time meant the very early stages of hard landscaping around Podimore.


I quite like the way that buildings are grouping around this corner. The occupational bridge over the industrial line results in a skewed crossing over the front of the dairy yard which takes the lane around the back of the station building and up a lane towards the village or into the goods yard (ok, siding). The mainline mousehole will disappear from most angles behind a little bit of Exmouth Junction concrete fencing on the slope down to the double-ended siding in front of the platform road and some scrubby trees of the sort that turned up alongside the Northamptonshire ironstone railways. Two of my all time favourite layouts, Barrowfleet, and Ditchling Green, used a similar ruse very effectively. The dairy siding will have a gantry over it so a mix of hard lines and soft foliage at this end with all the coupling and uncoupling taking place at the right hand end of the upper section (yes, I did plan this), and the industrial loop unimpeded.


A slightly better sense of the skewed crossing here - contrary to appearances, the foam bed for the road is comfortably below rail height.


A closer view of the station building (Cliddesden was the basis of the drawing, but all the stations on the Basingstoke and Alton Light Railway were similar, in case you're wondering), which is almost ready for paint.

Now, back to work!

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