4mm Polsarrett: BR(S) N Cornwall Clay, The Final Countdown


Western Thunderer
Smashing work chum.

Cheers chap, I was hoping to get the front of the layout painted but have run out of time again. I didn't plan on amending the support structure though, and yesterday was a nightmare of nothing going right, so all in all a productive weekend. On the plus side the layout is now fully working, just need to make it look pretty now, oh and sort the stock out. Thankfully there's 140 days left to the first show...

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Cheers chap, I was hoping to get the front of the layout painted but have run out of time again. I didn't plan on amending the support structure though, and yesterday was a nightmare of nothing going right, so all in all a productive weekend. On the plus side the layout is now fully working, just need to make it look pretty now, oh and sort the stock out. Thankfully there's 140 days left to the first show...

Slight typo there, Pencarrot Old Fruit.

041 days as of tomorrow.



Western Thunderer
The grey brown paint I bought for the top coat was interesting. Opened up the can and it was bright blue!

Lots of shaking and stirring later it was still very happy to separate out into component colours. Weird.

Eventually it did mix but then the first coat separated after application. Insert choice word. Much more shaking and stirring later it seemed a bit happier but regular stirring was required to stop it separating.


And it wasn't old paint, bought late last year.

Mark F

Western Thunderer
No comment but the paint should be a nice brown/grey a bit like a BR executive grey.
Anything in particular inspire that choice of paint? I hope you'll be adding red and white stripes along the bottom of the baseboards and executive light grey drapes.


Western Thunderer
Focus of late has been on getting the layout usable and presentable for the April show.

Legs, fiddles, extra legs, bits for hanging the drapes off, electrics, servos and lots of grey/brown paint. With all the boring stuff done the plan is then to concentrate efforts on the scenics and stock.

So far we're looking like this:


Getting there. Obviously the fiddles need painting but the other obviously missing element was some drapes.

Material ordered, velcro bought and some nifty hemming tape acquired which hopefully will save sewing. Tonight, after a large glass of red, the thistle was grasped and the drape material cut to size and hemmed.


Quite pleased with the results but that might be the red wine. Tomorrow I'll attach the velcro to the layout and drapes. After that it's just a case of carry on until I run out of time.


Western Thunderer
Isn’t that a big bit of the fun?

I guess we all have our strengths & weaknesses, and sharing them is a benefit of being a club member, but actually facing & overcoming all the challenges from watchmaking & figure-painting, electronics, software, operations, timetables, architecture, history, to woodwork & soft furnishings, is where it’s at!


Western Thunderer
Isn’t that a big bit of the fun?

I guess we all have our strengths & weaknesses, and sharing them is a benefit of being a club member, but actually facing & overcoming all the challenges from watchmaking & figure-painting, electronics, software, operations, timetables, architecture, history, to woodwork & soft furnishings, is where it’s at!

Yes, it never ceases to amaze me the skills you gain building trainsets. Challenges abound on this 100% self build project. I really should think about wagons and couplings at some point.

michael mott

Western Thunderer
I guess we all have our strengths & weaknesses, and sharing them is a benefit of being a club member, but actually facing & overcoming all the challenges from watchmaking & figure-painting, electronics, software, operations, timetables, architecture, history, to woodwork & soft furnishings, is where it’s at!
Well said Simon.
And the layout does look great.
