Reading your post about the crossing gates jogged my memory.
Several years ago, I was contemplating building an LSWR/SR branch line which I was going to base in East Devon. Sadly, it didn’t get very far, but I did however go as far as making a set of crossing gates based on those of Ottery St Mary (which are themselves, I think, LSWR in design):
They’re simply cut down Peco ones - they were double gated - with detail added from bits from the scrap box.
They still require further weathering that I didn’t get round to, especially some roadfilm to the base of the posts (wooden not concrete) and the placing of LSWR lamps which I’m sure I purchased from somewhere or other. The Maskol on the tops of the gates mark where they were to be placed, to ensure a better bond between (metal?) lamp and styrene gate.
Bottom line is, they’re lying around somewhere or other do nothing and probably never will; bearing in mind your impending deadline, if you’d like them (and the lamps, provided they weren’t a figment of my imagination), just until you make something better, then just let me know and their yours to do whatever with.