Phill Dyson
Western Thunderer
Nice work Richard it seems to have come together quickly.......the weathering on number 8 looks really good in the background too!
The plan is to build 10 of these provided they aren't too difficult, and to be honest they are not. I will probably etch a new part for the bogies to incorporate a rocking axle and some angle to fix the brakes. The ladders are a bit of work so I might see if Laurie will sell me 20 of his TTA ladders they look the same.
.........Great stuff, it's for these sorts of reasons I'm on this forum.
I'll be watching the build with even more interest now...!
Very nice Richard.
Do you plan to have a rake of these or is it just a one off build
Please elaborate on the problems with the barrel... from what you have written I think that the concern is flat spots from the rolling process. What about the strength of the finished body? (for example, does the barrel flex?) What will you do with future builds of this kit?
thanks, Graham
Might I assume that the photos are ones that you feel are of the prototype of the kit? Can you - or Paul - recall the identities of those photos?Paul thanks for the references to the tank wagon photos they have helped, you may have noticed that I even bought some !