Having posted the above information, I thought that some information about layers might be helpful.
When I started producing artwork for digital processing (as opposed to artwork for pen-plotting) I was fortunate to get Autosketch 6 on a magazine-front CD. I later got version 9 from a vendor in the USA via Ebay, but it's now discontinued so I'm now moving to QCAD (which has broadly similar capabilities and complexity) for new work. So that's why the next screenshot of this artwork shows Autosketch layers.
The top 8 layers (all locked) were used for drawing arrangement diagrams elsewhere on the sheet and the bottom 7 are the layers that will be used for the artwork. These layer names and colours are broadly in line with PPD's guidance sheet from a few years back. It will be noticed that there isn't a layer 2, which should be PPD02_Metal_Fill; this is because a lot of the Fill is lost when I export to the DWG format that PPD now require so I don't bother adding it at this stage. I think the problem is with complicated shapes, as there isn't a problem with tags. When PPD supported the native Autosketch format (.SKF files) I could just send them .SKF files complete with the Fill.
To add the Fill, I edit the exported DWG files with TurboCAD. I've tried to use TurboCAD to produce drawings from scratch but its just not as intuitive as Autosketch (or QCAD - In the future I'm hoping that I can do everything in QCAD). However, TurboCAD is OK for making the minor adjustments which are often needed to get the Fill to work, e.g. for breaking up large complicated areas into smaller simpler ones. In TurboCAD the layers look like this:
Only the "PPD" layers are present, and these now include layer 2. Layer 10 is given precedence (using the Order attribute) so that the text is on top of anything else.
Getting Fill to work is always a bit fraught. If the lines that define an area don't quite meet then it flows out of the area you're filling into whatever space it can find! Sometimes it just doesn't work because the solution is too complicated to work out; this can often be overcome by hiding all of the Fill layers and doing a Fill using layer zero, then change the layer of that Fill from zero to whatever it should be (usually PPD02).
Regards, Eric.