Re: West Mersea


Western Thunderer
I'll be there! Has anyone got a wheel puller I may borrow for the day? (i thought i had one but it has been put away...)

I need to get the wheels off my heljans for reprofiling.


Western Thunderer
Hi all, sadly I'll not be present again...

Pitchford Hall awaits me..! The G5 is pretty much done though.. Should have some paint going on her in the next week or two..



Western Thunderer
Seems I won't be able to make it either as I have to work all next weekend :(

What I would like is a write up (and photo) on Love Lane for the Area Groups page of the Newsletter... Please. Pretty please! The October meeting would be a bit late.



Western Thunderer
Seems I won't be able to make it either as I have to work all next weekend :(

What I would like is a write up (and photo) on Love Lane for the Area Groups page of the Newsletter... Please. Pretty please! The October meeting would be a bit late.

No probs Richard :thumbs:



Western Thunderer
Last Sunday saw the 100th meeting of the East Anglian Area S7 Group at Sudbury, for the event our host Peter Hunt organised a locally based traction engine to pay a visit.
Also visiting was John Birch's Aussie S7 coach and a steam roller wheeled :eek: spam can owned by Colin Prewer.
.......and finally about the only guy to do any work:rolleyes: was Dave who put down some of his excellent track products on one of the WMR's points.
ATB, Col.


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Western Thunderer
DSCN3168.JPG Well, it's only taken 10 months but all the rail is now back in place. Still needs a cosmetic chair or two, as well as switch anchors, stretcher bars etc. Oh, and some fishplates that I noticed were missing just as I bent down to pick up the toolbox on my way out last Sunday. All of the electrical droppers should be in place so if somebody could spare a Wednesday to connect them up to the DCC knitting underneath then we can start playing trains proper testing at the next Sunday meeting shortly followed by Sopwith tidying up the paint and ballast.


Active Member
View attachment 21466 Well, it's only taken 10 months but all the rail is now back in place. Still needs a cosmetic chair or two, as well as switch anchors, stretcher bars etc. Oh, and some fishplates that I noticed were missing just as I bent down to pick up the toolbox on my way out last Sunday. All of the electrical droppers should be in place so if somebody could spare a Wednesday to connect them up to the DCC knitting underneath then we can start playing trains proper testing at the next Sunday meeting shortly followed by Sopwith tidying up the paint and ballast.
I hope to be at WMR on Wednesday,12 th June to wire it up.
Regards Peter.


Western Thunderer
Hi Chaps,
I am sure you will all be happy to know that the Sunday bus service on the WMR has been lifted. The pannier ran through the new trackwork OK, just a couple of tie bars and switch anchors to do.
Regards Peter.
Good stuff Pete, just so long as we don't have to celebrate with the "sausage rolls":eek::))



Western Thunderer
Hi Chaps,
I am sure you will all be happy to know that the Sunday bus service on the WMR has been lifted. The pannier ran through the new trackwork OK, just a couple of tie bars and switch anchors to do.
Regards Peter.
Surely that should be "Several months of Sundays"?