Reprofile of Heljan diesel railbus wheels to finescale profile


Western Thunderer
After I made my last post, I realised I would not let myself be defeated. I had read somewhere the wheels are brass so they will turn easily. So I mounted them up in the 4-jaw chuck with a brass shim around the treads to discourage marking, and skimmed about 0.2 mm off the backs.

View attachment 235919
This has taken the B2B up to around 29.2 to 29.4 mm.
F/S standards state 29.00 mm btb but depending on the flange width this should be increased to get an o/a flange dimension of 30.75 mm.
As for the Slaters wagon wheel sets don't always assume they are correct, I've known S7 and F/S sets come out of the packet with varying dimensions so they should always be checked with a gauge.