Scottish Wagon Works

HR Brake Van Kit
  • John Duffy

    Western Thunderer
    Ahead of the Cupar exhibition this weekend we have been preparing some new kits. Because of a layout commitment to this show we have had to re-order our planned sequence of kits, so the next vehicle joining the range will be the HR Drummond 4 wheel brake van. The kit will be considerably more involved than our current models but we think it will produce a very nice model. They are still a little way off as we need to make some alterations from the test prints, but we hope to have a launch date shortly. The transfer sheets to support the kit will also be available.

    These are some images of the test prints.

    Updates to follow.

    1907 RCH Mineral
  • John Duffy

    Western Thunderer
    The first of our 2025 releases have been added to the website. Based on the 1907 RCH mineral we have done one body version based on the RY Pickering production and another based on the Ince Waggon Works. Used by both private owners and a number of railway companies. Hopefully this adds some subtle variation to a coal train with different end doors, ironwork style, choice of axleboxes and even variation in builders plate placement.

    There is a selection of transfer sheets to go with the new wagons including SECR, GCR, HR and a number of private owners.

    Available via the website

