Shepshed October 7mm Scale (and Larger) Event 6/10/12


Flying Squad

Thank you very much for inviting and putting up with me, I had a really enjoyable day and thought that the show was excellent. My only regret is that I managed to end the day without really having looked around the show, what with our "efficient" arrival, working around a blown fuse and then chatting to lots of people in between running trains and completing business transactions of international importance:))

Cookie buzzing off the the S Scale lap dancing and "everything you can eat for a sixer" bash in Derby for most of the day didn't help, we can only be thankful that he didn't also attempt the 2mm bash in Bedford, although I think the thought had crossed his mind....

Anyway, I forgive all after two evenings good conversation, a bottle of wine, meal and running of trains on his garden line in the sunshine of this morning before returning to Bath.

So all in all a great weekend and thank you to John and his fellow organisers for the invite and Cookie for his hospitality. No pictures I'm afraid as I forgot to take my camera (amongst various other things:oops:)
