So a little more progress
Various hoses and jumpers fitted. Buffers and couplings temporarily in place until i decide whether to fix them (and the subsequent drag box cover) before or after painting. I have not fitted the seats or the the control panel assemblies yet as, although the instructions say the floors may need a small amount of filing for the resin cabs to fit, I suspect more maybe needed and have glued some square section in place to support the seat pedestals for this purpose. The black jumper hoses are over length and will be removed for painting and then trimmed before refitting. I was wondering whether it was worth fitting pipes and conduits to the rear cab wall as they will only be seen from this photo and the next.
So even though won't be seen from these angles worth doing I think but not just yet.
I decided to move on to detailing the bogies
Here we have the axle boxes, speedo drive, transverse springs centre wheel brake shoes and hangers for the springs.
Here I have added the axle boxes and speedo drive to the bogies, and also the AWS gear and the lifting brackets. The lifting bracket castings have a pieces missing which I glued on using sections cut from a scrap bit of roof fret.
This bit I found a bit difficult. The brake hangers and shoes (bottom right) have to be attached to the transverse springs (above). They are at right angles and need to be at 90 degrees in all 3 axis, and the area to be fixed is only 1.5mm square, and unable to clamp the two parts together. Therefore I could not pin it as I had the bogie frames and spent much of Saturday trying to get the (sodding) parts mated and failed. Took Sunday off searching t'internet for possible solutions. The one that seems to have worked is use plenty of Carrs red flux, soldering iron at 200 degrees and (contrary to my normal practice) loads of solder on the iron tip, seen on the left above. I am overjoyed but there maybe trouble ahead, they are fixed to the frames, instructions just say make sure brakes are clear of centre wheels, no other location marks.
The outer wheel brake hangers and shoes. Clockwise from top left, as they come, some need the bar removing and an etched piece added, extra casting added to the outer ends, and 1mm square brass bar added to the final four as the castings aren't handed.
I think I won't follow the sequence in the instructions for the bogies so I can get some reference points for some of these sub assemblies, especially for S7 clearances.