NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Evening all,

The run up to Taunton RailEx saw a bit of activity to prep Ewe for it's appearance. One of the things attended to was the weathering of a Bachmann MOY private owner open. This specific wagon appears in John Hayes' The 4mm Coal Wagon. The most noticeable difference between the Bachmann offering and the prototype wagon is the lack of coke rails so these were chopped off. The rather bland factory applied weathering could then be tweaked to produce something a bit more appealing....well, to my eye at least.


Still a bit to do but it looked the part when placed on Ewe.


And seen here with one of the resident J70s..



NHY 581

Western Thunderer
The Flaxfield thread has seen an influx of colourized East Anglian images as befits a East Anglian focused thread.

However, I have eclectic tastes and these mainly revolve around weedy backwaters of the most rural in nature. One of my favourites is the Bishops Castle Railway and in particular, Horderley..

I'm pretty certain these views of Horderley are by H.C Casserley and are post closure so mid to late 30s ?

horderley station 5.jpghorderley station 4.jpg


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Morning all,

Staying with slightly run down backwaters and byways, I'm hoping to pick up a new loco today and this has led to much anticipation and the research of a new ( to me ) railway, The North Sunderland Railway to be exact.

Now, I'm not a fan in fact, I never will be a fan of the L&NER despite my East Anglian leanings which I box off as " modelling the former GER ".
However, there is no denying that I am partial to a small tank engine and this new purchase fits that description precisely.

Rapido are certainly bringing some lovely examples to market and their newly delivered NER H Class, a Y7 in L&NER parlance seems to be a bit of a belter.....and they ran passenger services on The North Sunderland Rly !

One version is that of an example sold to the NCB. The rather rustic cab extension alone qualifies it for purchase.

WEB 241101 RAPIDO 932008_2.84237.jpg

And I'm thinking that this might look at home on Sheep Dip ( or, with the NCB lettering removed...an impecunious light railway ? ) the current focus is on a L&NER liveried version which by some weird quirk of fate may have been trialled at Blackwater Pier............

Stand by on that. Updates will follow.


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Well, the Y7 has landed and is currently running in on the rolling road. I'll post some images in due course but it's delightful and pre running in it ran pretty well.

Here are a couple of tweaked images of The North Sunderland Railway.

1000011144 (2).jpg

1000011183 (1).jpg


( As you may guess, I'm not bored with this yet ! ).


Western Thunderer
Morning all. This has popped up on YouTube. Not quite sure what I was doing operationally ( caught me not really paying attention ) .....I struggle to operate and chat with visitors but the layout looks pretty good.

Ah.. it's always good to see. Poddling around with a single wagon is very meditative.




Western Thunderer
Well, here are the little chaps.....

And hinting at a possible North Sunderlandesque adventure....

Must say these last pictures demonstrate a huge improvement in your colourisation skills, although I think they're almost too good - I prefer your earlier style.

Captain Kernow

Western Thunderer
Not quite sure what I was doing operationally ( caught me not really paying attention ) .....I struggle to operate and chat with visitors but the layout looks pretty good.
Could that have been me doing one of my arty farty shunting manoeuvres at Exeter, whilst you were away in the refreshment tent?

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Would save you the time and effort with wires, and point motors etc. Doesn't look like anything has moved for years. Ideal layout for shows where you can just natter. Next train is... Never.

To be fair I've not seen you do the multi-tasking operation/talking thing. The video could be an important historical record.

I see what you're doing here.................