John Duffy
Western Thunderer
Welcome to the dark side!
Hi Rob.
It may well take more than one but I reckon I can do this with a scenic section of roughly 5ftx3ft.......but yes, IKEA will be the source for baseboards...
How about an internal door? I bet you could pick up a “shop damaged” one at one of the sheds at an advantageous price. And a little bit bigger.
Dare one say, "About time too" Welcome to the small dark side Rob.
Unless I end up with a Pannier as well......
Just a Pannier Rob? Obviously you need a wagon or 10 and Minerva do some nice little industrials...
There is no trick that these 7mm folk won't stoop to, in order to convert another to their cause!Stop it...........I can see what you are doing here.......
Watch out it will be a King and a Castle next!![]()
Watch out it will be a King and a Castle next!![]()
Rest assured Andy there is no danger of that happening. At all.
I have a soft spot for certain smaller GWR types but that's as far it goes.
If I had a choice then this would be a RTR Southern tank loco, not a Terrier but something from the real Western Railway.........L&SWR........
It was the promise of Dapol doing a 7mm Beatty Well Tank 5+ years ago that got me to take the 7mm plunge. They then bottled it, which was a little upsetting.
I'd still like to see something Southern other than a Terrier in RTR form. An O2 or M7, P or B4 surely must be candidates at some point?
All smallish locos that would get new entrants going on the ladder.
I'm just doubtful about the future of rtr plastic O gauge let alone the lastability of the steam outline locos.
I'm just doubtful about the future of rtr plastic O gauge let alone the lastability of the steam outline locos.
I agree and I'm rather surprised that a B4 hasn't been proposed by at least one of the manufacturers. I have to say it's not one I would personally consider to avoid any accusations of "wish-listing" but there was a nice kit produced years ago by Vulcan/Eric Underhill but they are very rare and there has been nothing since to my knowledge. So I do think there is a gap in the market for such a loco and yes if it was RTR and gets people interested in 7mm all to the good.An O2 or M7, P or B4 surely must be candidates at some point?
All smallish locos that would get new entrants going on the ladder.