
Western Thunderer

That photo always reminds me of a holiday to South Africa. A 'Smiley' is a traditional recipe which, in the townships at least, was cooked over burning car tyres. Nice.


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
That photo always reminds me of a holiday to South Africa. A 'Smiley' is a traditional recipe which, in the townships at least, was cooked over burning car tyres. Nice.


Due to an unforseen set of circumstances, a reduction in available space has occured at the SWAG show next weekend.

However, I have rejigged the floorplan and you'll no doubt be pleased to see that I have found space for Polsarrett in the car park, just outside the window of the gents toilet ( Required to be left open to improve internal air circulation ).


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
The lighting rig from Bleat Wharf, under which Ewe will be dislayed on Sunday has been test fitted.

I'm just monitoring how warm the trees get under the centre strip of the LED tubes but all appears okay at present. Warm but not overly so....however it's not what I think that's's what the trees think...


The grubby bit of plastic is protecting the waters edge whilst I mess about.



NHY 581

Western Thunderer
For operating your many micro layouts/dioramas do you have a single universal fiddle yard which can be used with all of them?

Morning Dave.

You'd think wouldn't you............

I've only got the three layouts and as it happens the fiddle yard is common to two of them for exhibitions, though I've made a smaller one for one of the two for home use. Means I have these two currently 'operational' at home.
The third and most recent has a right handed fiddle yard, opposite end to the other two so that is a stand alone layout.

However, I have a set of lights common to all three for exhibition use but at home each have their own lights.

I think thats clear albeit a tad convoluted.....


NHY 581

Western Thunderer

Ewe made it's exhibition debut at the Rmweb SWAG do in Taunton on Sunday 24th. An exceptional day and Ewe was in fine company with eleven other layouts plus support.

I have no photos of my own so instead, I offer a couple of excellent images taken by Jamie Warne who has kindly allowed their use as the layout owners wish.





As stated, images courtesy of Jamie Warne.

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
Very nice Rob, but as I keep saying where are the J70 trams!!
All the best

Hi Julian,

As I mentioned earlier in the thread last time you mentioned it, I've moved on my J70s. I've decided to stick with the diesels. In particular, the running on DCC of both the Hornby 08 and the Bachmann 03 is far superior to the running of the Model Rail J70s. They could have been better to be honest.

If Rapido re-release it as their own ( as they've done with the dynometer car they did for Rails) then I might revisit but until then, 1960s diesel it is.


NHY 581

Western Thunderer
By way of a bit of 'horse trading ' ( sheep trading) I've acquired a EFE J94 0.6.0st. I've long had a soft spot for these but found the Hornby example, whilst decent enough for it's time, lacking a bit. The DJ Models example was much better but concerns over the running in certain circumstances put one off.

The EFE example, apparently improved on this but the price was a bit salty for an 0.6.0st.

However, a rummage in some cupboards at my new place of employment led to me stumbling across this example. A extremely favourable deal was struck which involved me moving on a couple of things.........and here we are.



Joe's Garage

Western Thunderer
Hi Rob, I must have misinterpreted that post as I thought you had kept one having sorted out the binding on the I understand. Such a shame about some RTR, but as you said maybe it will be re-released by Rapido.
I do like the J94.
All the best

NHY 581

Western Thunderer
A J94 is an excellent addition to the loco stud and is considered, here at Kernow Towers, to almost have the status of Honorary Pannier.

Subject to a further 'redistribution of resources', we may well see a further J94, high bunker job, added to the roster.

A couple of J94s to accompany the existing Sentinels and we have the basis of a little something............