I have read the 3D printing on here with interest. But most of the references appear to be 4mm or 7mm, understandably. I am not a member of the Templot Forum, but
could it be used with 3mm scale - or is it that printing 3mm track work would require additional work at Martin's end? Either way the financial figures that
@martin_wynne put forward looks very cost effective, especially for point work.
My initial testbed 3mm layout will only be three or four points and straight track, but I may be keen to try this track system out. £90 for the 3D printer is fine, and if it can get that detail on rail chairs, then it would be suitable to use for other loco and coach detailing parts too. My concern (from my point of view) is the printing of the sleepers, as that appears to need a separate printer, and I doubt I have the space for two! Maybe I some kind sole could be paid a little commission to print them off???