Tempus Fugit - Pete Insole's workbench oddities and other things


Active Member
Hi Peter. I've never met you and I don't suppose I ever will, being at the other end of the country.
I always check on here to see what you have been up to, as I've said before it's one of the best bits of the internet.
I Find your modelmaking to be inspirational, for what it's worth.


Western Thunderer
I too am a sufferer (three t shirts). as Mickoo says, the hardest step is always the first one of admitting there is a problem.

I have been to see part of my extended family this week. My niece in law started asking questions about my childhood. Not a good move as it immediately awoke memories I last visited in 2017 and couldn`t resolve then. Bernard

Peter Insole

Western Thunderer
Thank you to all for your kindness. I appreciate all of your replies.

Please don't worry Tony, I did not mind you posting the image at all - and as you might recall, I even went looking for further details, and subsequently discovered the image of the other, long lost illustration.

That is part of what I meant when referring to "baby steps"! I felt it would not do any harm to revisit - especially bearing in mind what I shall have to be doing very shortly:

The old caravan/storage facility in our garden has perished beyond salvation, and now has to be demolished. It's removal will make way, among other benefits, for the final part of the railway. My wife and "Mr. O., have completed their part in the task of clearing it - and now it falls to me to sift through all my own "junk". I have been putting it off, knowing that there are an awful lot of memories, some that will inevitably be uncomfortable, amongst the many boxes of paperwork that I shall have to selectively go through!

One of the things that I have a tendency to repeat on a regular basis is: If someone suffers from blindness - no one would have the temerity to even suggest that by making a determined effort that person should be able to see again! Yet that is precisely how many view more hidden mental issues.

I have been to that edge of the precipice so many times, but perhaps the occasions when I have actually reached "melt down" were the ones when I had completely forgotten, or deliberately chosen to ignore the internal "fuse box", and failed to trip the "OFF" switch?!

Never mind the metaphors, that 30ft caravan just mentioned is one mighty big cupboard filling me with dread - but then again, I'm clinging to the thought that something interesting might yet come out of it?!
