That time of the year again

David Waite

Western Thunderer
Hi Michael
-36C how do you stand it, I assume you are basically stuck inside, so how long does this type of weather last for?
We had our hottest day for this year yesterday it just managed to get to 33.9C , so far it’s been the coldest and wettest Christmas time and a start for a new year for many years.


Mid-Western Thunderer
Hi Michael
-36C how do you stand it, I assume you are basically stuck inside, so how long does this type of weather last for?
We had our hottest day for this year yesterday it just managed to get to 33.9C , so far it’s been the coldest and wettest Christmas time and a start for a new year for many years.
I was going to say this Thread makes a change from Australian residents telling us how hot it is at this time of year. :rolleyes:
I don't know for sure, but I'm assuming David you are at least somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere. ;)


Western Thunderer
Re post #23, that brings back memories of forty years ago, doing night shifts in January on Tyne & Wear Metro in Central Newcastle. I’m a Yorkshireman and I couldn't believe how little the Geordie lasses were wearing!
Tim T

David Waite

Western Thunderer
I was going to say this Thread makes a change from Australian residents telling us how hot it is at this time of year. :rolleyes:
I don't know for sure, but I'm assuming David you are at least somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere. ;)
Australia you know that place with flies , spiders , bull ants , snakes , and Heat, I recon Dorothea Mackellars poem
( I love a Sunburnt Country ) sums it all up.


Western Thunderer
Actually summer here in Melbourne (Aus) has so far almost been a non event . I joked to my father on the phone that i saw more sun when i visited him in the UK in Aug / Sept than i have so far over here . We have had a lot of rain all down the East coast of Australia which becomes lots of flooding . Not too many bush fires so far but a few in the West
I knew in my late teens that i wouldn't stay in the UK and had looked ar Canada ( cold )but then met an Aussie girl ( hot ) the rest is history .

michael mott

Western Thunderer
Not a quick walk to the workshop this morning, after a pretty mild winter so far, back to- twenty degrees.IMG_2227.jpeg
Strong winds are creating it difficult in the city today.

David Waite

Western Thunderer
Glad I have air conditioning it is 4:30 in the afternoon and it is + 35C outside too hot for me!
Let’s swap I will happily take your +35C, it’s 10am bleak and bitterly cold here today, there is a cold wind blowing and is currently at 7.4C outside I’m in the lounge room under a blanket with the heater on and not daring to go outside and just think we had sunshine yesterday typical Victorian weather all over the place.


Active Member
This was the car telling me it was a bit hot last week. We were attending an open air wedding - not a lot of fun! This was the temperature (40.6C) when everyone (including the couple being married) decided to call it quits.
