Ok so the busman's holiday has begun.....
Some of you may be aware that I n my day job as a manufacturing engineer I do a lot of panel wiring and I mean a lot.... So wiring a layout isn't fun it's work! But given that I don't enjoy it as a hobby I can't rush it and have to do it right.... Otherwise I can just hear the tut of disapproval that my colleagues would make if I cut corners....
I find myself bewildered at how we approach electronics in the model railway world.... We buy or make some very delicate equipment then screw it to the underside of the baseboard and hope and pray that it doesn't get damaged.... Also many of us spend time lying under the baseboard wiring above our heads.... If find that hard and I'm 33.... How the matured modeller feels I do not know?
So on Skeetsmere I'm trying an experiment....

All electronics including the point actuation will be contained in a single enclosure on each board. These will be linked but a bus cable handling power and coms.

The enclosure will simply plug in to a few umbilical cables underneath each board so construction can happen off board and the enclosure removed at a later date for servicing.
The servos will be easily charged from the box if failures occur or I could if I so wished build a second box that could be swapped at a show if issues occur.... Maybe that is going too far.... Maybe if I standardised modules on multiple layouts.... Thought for another day

This is the enclosure for the station board. The servos at the top will link with the wire in tubes under the platform. The section on the right will handle the pulsed 16V AC power distribution (DCC) and frog switching.
The centre section houses the MERG Cbus module and one of the points controllers.
The remaining point controls and level crossing control are housed in the left hand side and are still to be fitted as I need slightly different fixings for these.

So heres progress so far. Most of the 16V AC (orange and blue) is in as is the 12VDC (red and black) supply to the controls. CBus (yellow and purple) is in as is an aux bus (grey and pink). Now it's the control wires to link the CBus module to the servo drivers and relays.

one of the 25 way track power connectors is visible in this view this one is for the +16Vac (or rather the one we think of possitve not that it's says like that for long but you know what I mean). All the connectors are different sizes and types so when installing the box it is impossible to wire it in wrong! Here's to poke one!
Admittedly I'd rather be doing anything but wiring.... But this is at least reasonably satisfying