The Penguins 7mm thread.

The Penguin Of Doom

Western Thunderer
Yep - I do a good impression of someone who you dont see when they are stood next to you!..... its what growing up on Bransholme does for you!:D

Bridlington is a great idea for a layout - a multi road through station with goodyards, coach sidings and engine shed close have to wonder why so many folk have freelanced such schemes over the years when this one was there waiting to be done!.

Yours will be the third layout I know of it (there are - or rather were until recently two under construction by modellers in Brid itself).

I couldn't possibly comment about the locality of your formative years Rippers other than to say, I too was raised on a similar council estate in the 70's and, having realised you are linked to the layout "hospital gates", must form the opinion that those estates must form a good grounding for decent modellers.... ;)

Anywho, as for what is likely to be a third Brid based layout, ours is actually a terminus and sadly, lack of space prevents a sprawaling mass of carriage sidings and goods yards, but we have managed to include the concourse and engine shed, (scratch built by yours truly), and since we have a terminus station, the workings will be more like those at Scarborough with a station pilot performing shunt releases.

Anywho, I've moved slightly off topic, so may consider another thread focussing on the layout but for now, I'll mention that I have procured a number of Big Big Mk2s which will be extended to be a scale length and detailed accordingly for the type 2s to haul and as soon work commences, I will post here. I'm aware this has done before, (I have indeed already done one myself already), so this will be a repeat of my previous work with my slant on it.




Western Thunderer
having realised you are linked to the layout "hospital gates".

Yup gulty as charged, I am the one of our gang to blame for unleashing that on the hobby as I designed it and gave it its overall finish.......:D

So far all our 7mm work has been of an earlier period than that of of the blue era that many of our 4mm layouts. So it is nice to see what you guys from literally just down the road are up to.

It has to be said it is giving some of us ideas for future projects of our own.;)

Keep it up!

Oh and the kettles on should you want to pop round and see what we are up to........... just bring biscuits........:thumbs:

The Penguin Of Doom

Western Thunderer
Hi all.

Well, none of you spotted the deliberate mistake on 27 025.....! ;) It's amazing how when one studies pictures of ones completed model and compares them with the prototype how many errors show up, (well, with my models anyway).

So as a result of my extreme close up pictures, I spent this evening adding lamp brackets.....



I also painted out the brackets behind the minature ploughs which improves this area greatly compared to how they stand out in earlier pictures.



The Penguin Of Doom

Western Thunderer
Hi all.

Bit of a gap in posts here due to plenty of things going on in my 4mm world. I have been buying one or two of these.....


..... in anticipation of a short rake, but I'm going to need to find some underframe components for them. I've found some Peco spare chassis on ebay but they're rather pricey and I'm trying to keep costs down. I'd heard that one of the other manufacturers supplies spares for their chassis, but not sure who.

Can anyone help or advise?

Thanks in anticipation.

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The Penguin Of Doom

Western Thunderer
Hi all.

Not had a lot of time for any 7mm modelling of late, but my 26 and 27 have had sound fitted and although 26041 is not my model, I detailed it at the same time and the video is posted with Mikes, (the owner), permission. This 26 has recently been weathered and my two are awaiting the same and I can't wait to see the results! The Hymek is a Big Train version with plenty of detail which was done by Rob, (Western Cavalier), and I personally think it looks really good.

Anywho, here is 26041 storming out of Invermire.....

**Edit** was unable to post the video, so please search for my facebook page. If not allowed, mods please remove.




Flying Squad
The link is below my signature Phil but I.appreciate it's FB and some don't like logging in. Sadly, the file appears too large to upload here.

If you include the link using the "Media" button (film frames) then it should automatically embed the video in the post. The vast majority of the youTube videos are just embedded and not uploaded. It should work for Facebook as well but I don't have a FB account at all so can't test it.
Screen Shot 2015-12-20 at 14.22.33.png

The Penguin Of Doom

Western Thunderer
Thanks Steve.

You will have hopefully seen the video then? Sadly, my computer skills have let me down and I've been unable to upload it here despite the sound advice and my best efforts.

Hey ho, I'll try making another video in a different format in the new year and see how I get on.



The Penguin Of Doom

Western Thunderer
Hi all.

The Peak is finished!

Some photo's below which were taken last night on our 7mm club layout and I have to say that I think Mike has done an absolutely splendid job of restoring the bogies!

Here are some pictures of the finished loco, I had contemplated getting her weathered but, since she will be in the main, a display model, I think I'll leave it for now. The areas of the body which have had some work done to patch them up are not as obvious to the naked eye as they are in some of the pictures so I'm happy.

Despite her being a display model, she does run and I have posted a few videos on my facebook page which can be found by searching for "the penguin of dooms model railway projects".

The videos do flag up the question of sound..... I would like to add sound at some point although I am not sure a specifically class 45/0 sound chip is available.

Anywho, that's all for now.



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mike knowles

Active Member
Thanks for the many compliments Sean. Had I realised the amount of work which would be involved I might have not been so keen to volunteer! However the finished article does offer some degree of satisfaction.
For reference the bogies were the original style being a mix of etched brass and nickel silver with various white metal and brass castings. Current models use resin bogies as per the other kits in the JLTRT range.
As received they were coated in a thick layer of black treacle (paint?). A soak in paint stripper removed most of it, revealing the following;


Whilst some parts of the bogies had been soldered (with large globs of solder) most of the assembly had been done with glue which was in a thick layer over everything. So with a lot of persuasion the bogies were stripped right back to the component parts, thoroughly de-glued and de-soldered and assembly started again. In so doing the correct frame spacers were used, as originally a mix of O Gauge and S7 spacers had been used and the carrier for the front pony wheels inserted the right round.


As Sean has mentioned some of the castings had to be replaced as they were too clogged up with solder/glue/paint to recover. The (poor) photos below shows one of the spring/axlebox assemblies and given all due respect to Sean's table top resin casting method I have to say the results were superb, showing up the efforts of many others who expect us to pay money for their poor efforts.


Finally I'd like to thank Laurie at JLTRT for providing replacements for some parts which were beyond repair e.g.the steps and Northampton Model Supplies for providing a replacement buffer housing after one of them came into contact with my soldering iron!