The Penguin Of Doom
Western Thunderer
Yep - I do a good impression of someone who you dont see when they are stood next to you!..... its what growing up on Bransholme does for you!
Bridlington is a great idea for a layout - a multi road through station with goodyards, coach sidings and engine shed close have to wonder why so many folk have freelanced such schemes over the years when this one was there waiting to be done!.
Yours will be the third layout I know of it (there are - or rather were until recently two under construction by modellers in Brid itself).
I couldn't possibly comment about the locality of your formative years Rippers other than to say, I too was raised on a similar council estate in the 70's and, having realised you are linked to the layout "hospital gates", must form the opinion that those estates must form a good grounding for decent modellers....
Anywho, as for what is likely to be a third Brid based layout, ours is actually a terminus and sadly, lack of space prevents a sprawaling mass of carriage sidings and goods yards, but we have managed to include the concourse and engine shed, (scratch built by yours truly), and since we have a terminus station, the workings will be more like those at Scarborough with a station pilot performing shunt releases.
Anywho, I've moved slightly off topic, so may consider another thread focussing on the layout but for now, I'll mention that I have procured a number of Big Big Mk2s which will be extended to be a scale length and detailed accordingly for the type 2s to haul and as soon work commences, I will post here. I'm aware this has done before, (I have indeed already done one myself already), so this will be a repeat of my previous work with my slant on it.