Modelling output has slowed a bit due to various demands on precious modelling time. But with 1 Station Road complete for now, I've been concentrating on a couple of projects that have been lurking on the depths of the modelling bench for far too long. The first is a diagram E116 B set, the origins of which were a K's plastic kit, kindly donated by Tim Venton of Clutton fame.
I needed to do quite a bit of salvage work on the sides and the ends were a bit hit and miss. The E116 was joined by a Tommy bar and had no intermediate buffers from what I can tell, so I've done what I can to tidy things up and add the various alarm gear. The under frames are Comet kits, bogies white metal sides over a Bill Bedford sprung frame. They've been awaiting their innards and glazing but have languished on the workbench waiting for their turn in the paint shop first, which has finally started. State of play at the moment is an initial pass of carmine and cream with the lining, ends and roof still to do, along with correcting some ride height issues.
Second distraction is the camping coach which was stationed at Cheddar. This was W9902W from the pictures I have, a conversion from a diagram E73 composite. The basis of this one is a set of etches from Worsley Works, sitting on a pair of Dean 10ft bogies just introduced by MJT.
This coach will never move and consequently definitely has an 'A' side and a 'B' side, which will not be visible to the public and reflects my struggles with the forming of an acceptable joint line for the clerestory roof! It has just had a coat of primer which has revealed a few blemishes.
It should form a nice little cameo at the back of the layout once done.