1/32 The wall...


I dont think the balance of track to scenery is too bad at all - I've taken a liberty and removed the excess tracks to leave just the templotted (is that a word) ones in place

View attachment 7582

Doesn't look crowded to me at all in that view.
Think the concept is bang on Cynric, the buildings have a nice variety of heights, shapes and textures and will make a lovely scene. Looking forward to seeing how you tackle the technicalities of it all.


Assuming I use a back scene following the blue curve, the red area could be a problem. I will probably bring the allotments on the right into the scene some advertising hoardings in on the left.

Screen Dump Mod.JPG

I think that maybe a plain sky back drop a further foot or so back might work better, but that is where the half size model will do its work

Phill Dyson

Western Thunderer
Not 100% sure what you are planning for the baseboard ends (especially at the right side), but would a removable curved backscene behind most if not all apart from the baseboard front work well ?

Capture cp.JPG


Quite possibly, Phill. I'm getting mindful of the size of the backscene, it's going to be at least 2ft high


Western Thunderer
I concur with Cookie that the baseboard to track ratio doesn't seem excessive, as a rough rule of thumb it looks to be in the same proportions that I used for Shell Island.


I'd see the backscene as key to capturing the setting of the station. I've said this elsewhere but I was mightily impressed by the backscene on Burford in the latest MRJ.


Western Thunderer
I dont think the balance of track to scenery is too bad at all - I've taken a liberty and removed the excess tracks to leave just the templotted (is that a word) ones in place.
Thanks for that Steve. Seeing it like that I've now changed my mind, it doesn't look too crowded, especially with the curved backscene.


A very messy bit of photo editing shows the main buildings, all the point work will be on the right hand side, as I said earlier the challenge will be the transition from board to backscene. A lot of the scene will be abandoned/lifted track as I have a bit of a fetish for that :D but I will need something on the right to balance the scene and conceal the exit.


Steve Cook

Flying Squad
It looks pretty sparse like that, and you don't get to say that very often for a model railway :thumbs:

I've got to be honest, I'd like to see the mock up where the station / platform / engine shed are not parallel with the front baseboard edge. I noted on your templot plan that the you had a slight convex curve on the front, but I wonder if the scene might not 'flow' a bit better left to right if everything wasn't square.

I don't think it needs much, perhaps rotate everything 3 to 5 degrees clockwise around the front corner of the engine shed just to enhance the front and side faces of the buildings.

You are going to need something on the RH end for balance, large tree or group of smaller ones, just outside the railway bounday and before the Parish boundary?

If it were mine (and I know its not so feel free to ignore this bit), I'd rotate the whole lot, push it back towards the backscene by a couple of inches, whilst moving the station and shed over to the right a few inches. It means the yard will be a touch narrower and possibly creates a pinch point between what will be the cattle pens and back of platform, but it gets the shed away from the edge of the board. This has two advantages - it reduces the chance of accidental damage and also allows the edge of the shed to appear in photos, without the baseboard edge. The disadvantage is that the track moves closer to the front edge as you move from left to right, but the prototype had a left hand curve as it exited the station so a gentle curve away from the edge might not look too bad. It also reduces the chances of the rear / LH edge of the station casting shadows on the backscene. Anyway, enough rambling from me, thats how I see your layout, not how you see it, and if I've introduced a egg sucking moment, feel free to tell me to stick it where the sun don't shine :D



Steve, you could well have a point there :) im not keen on rectangular boards either. I think sparse is good in 1/32 as it is too easy to crowd, and I do want the feeling of abandonment. I quite fancy a little group of trees on the right but a bridge would be more in keeping. Still lots to think about...:confused:

Steve Cook

Flying Squad
Its amazing how quickly Gauge 1 wagons eat space - just measured up a Mink Van and when standing on a piece of track, its 123mm tall! Doesn't take many of those to compress your real estate and cast some shadows....


Its amazing how quickly Gauge 1 wagons eat space - just measured up a Mink Van and when standing on a piece of track, its 123mm tall! Doesn't take many of those to compress your real estate and cast some shadows....
I know :( Im wondering if just a sky backdrop 6 inches behind the board might work, as long as there is something like a fence or bank at the edge disguising 'the edge of the world'

Steve Cook

Flying Squad
Don't see why not - bank, fence, wall, hedge or bush are all options to mask the edge of the board like you say. It is probably worth considering what you are going to do lighting wise too, as that will determine where shadows fall and will have a bearing on the distance that you need between disguise and backscene.

Looking at the photos of Wallingford, I know the gasworks road climbs a small incline as it ramps off the main road and heads towards the works /passes behind the engine shed, is the same gradient present on the access to the goods yard from the main road? The ground level off the back of the platform looks to be the same height (including the loading ramp), I'm just wondering if the yard itself is effectively in a bit of a hollow? It would certainly be a feature that you could exagerate without pushing boundaries too much.


The book will give a better idea, if you have them dig out MRJ 157,159,162 there a couple of shots that show the higher ground and fencing.
The yard rises up to the station building, generally it is pretty flat. lighting will be above - assuming that we still live in the same house when I get that far! If i only get as far as the station/shed then it will be a different game and I would be highly tempted to turn the board 90deg so you would be talking 2'6" wide and 4 ft deep, which would give the classic Wallingford shot

Steve Cook

Flying Squad
The book will give a better idea
It was marked as despatched at 22:05 yesterday evening - someone was on the ball :)
if you have them dig out MRJ 157,159,162 there a couple of shots that show the higher ground and fencing.
The yard rises up to the station building, generally it is pretty flat.
I see what you mean. Bit more difficult to control. Just model it all....:))
lighting will be above - assuming that we still live in the same house when I get that far!
Evenly spread across the front, or directed from one side?
If i only get as far as the station/shed then it will be a different game and I would be highly tempted to turn the board 90deg so you would be talking 2'6" wide and 4 ft deep, which would give the classic Wallingford shot
Would be quite something that way too. It would almost be worth making 'wings' in that case, making the scene much wider at the back than front. Might require a pill-box / letterbox style fascia then..


Well it does all fit quite nicely in S :))
Lighting will be even from the top/front. I'd love to do winter lighting, but that is probably a bit ambitious.

Steve Cook

Flying Squad
Good scale is S ;)

I don't see why winter lighting is too ambitious, its only adding filters to the bulbs you use. As long as the lighting rig and fascia aren't fixed to the diorama, you can remove them, fit some low level filtered lights for winter, then put 'summer time' back together again :)

If I can use filters on Dungeness, a man of your calibre will have no problems


Western Thunderer
That 14 xx 1444 got about ,its featured in the brm video vol 78 part 2 Along GWR lines Oxford to Cardiff which i got out and viewed as i thought wallingford was on it , i always get Watlington and Wallingford mixed up abit like Ashburton and Mortenhampsted, but its the Fairford branch that gets covered in the video.

No trouble with the backscene for Fairford as its a field


A slight distraction :)

I can live with the slight size difference. This 1/32 is bringing the Military modeller out in me, I keep looking at Mr Parkins Bedford MK:cool: it is a slippery slope.....


Flying Squad
Hang on a mo Cynric. 10mm scale is nearer to 1/32 than 1/35 is. This surely has to be a finger-wagging offence from the true scale brigade.

(Mischievous mode off)



Hang on a mo Cynric. 10mm scale is nearer to 1/32 than 1/35 is. This surely has to be a finger-wagging offence from the true scale brigade.

(Mischievous mode off)

Yes, but this is going in the background so it will look smaller anyway :))