7mm Tri - ang Big Big Mk2 upgrade.


Western Thunderer
Hi Alan.

I got them as spares from PRMRP. In 2mm and 4mm scale Precision Paints do some too. Not sure what their etching section is called, whether it goes under the same name etc.

I can't think who it was at the moment but was having a conversation recently with someone who was considering etching their own.

Not much help am I...? :rant:


@iploffy had some done

Steve :cool:

The Penguin Of Doom

Western Thunderer
Hi all.

So, the Mk2 window frames may have come from iploffy although I'm not sure if he is a FB user as I think it was there that I was chatting.

As regards the Mk1 window frames Dave, they are a different size for the Mk2s, so whilst the Easybuild ones are great, (I have some to use with other Mk1 kits), they won't work on a Mk2.

While I'm on, I wonder if anyone might be able to help? I am about to start casting the item in the picture below but wondered if anyone might be able to help me with a detailed or close up picture of said item.....

I have to be honest because I don't even know what the purpose of the equipment in the box is. There is a cylindrical item on the side of the box which appears to possibly be a motor or similar and I wondered if anyone could direct me to a picture of said cylinder as I think that how I interpreted it on my first attempt may be wrong.

If anyone can help I'd be most grateful.




The Penguin Of Doom

Western Thunderer
That's a good idea Heather although most of the "faff" has already been done. I just need to sort the cylindrical item on the side. I'm casting plenty of other bits at the moment for other projects so not really a major issue but I'm all for keeping things simple.

I may actually make the enquiry at Telford (assuming JLTRT are there). I have a parts list for the 25s (giving away a future project there), so assume there will be a similar list for the Mk2.



Heather Kay

Western Thunderer
That's a good idea Heather although most of the "faff" has already been done. I just need to sort the cylindrical item on the side. I'm casting plenty of other bits at the moment for other projects so not really a major issue but I'm all for keeping things simple.

Ha! No problem. I think you are correct in the assumption the cylindrical object is a motor. I think it drive the fan that drew the air into the system.

JLTRT will be at Telford. If you want a parts listing, it may be best to email ahead. You'll probably get a PDF by return.

The Penguin Of Doom

Western Thunderer
Ha! No problem. I think you are correct in the assumption the cylindrical object is a motor. I think it drive the fan that drew the air into the system.

JLTRT will be at Telford. If you want a parts listing, it may be best to email ahead. You'll probably get a PDF by return.

Of course, t'interweb will get me a list with less faff.

I'll do it!




Western Thunderer

We're not pals on FB, so not him. Perhaps these conversions are more common than I first thought.....

It would be nice to see iploffys etches, has there been a thread on here does anyone know?


ipploffy did amazing things with Triang Mark 2's. This should get you to somewhere in the middle of his thread - <a href="7mm - The Colonel's Birmingham Bodges. EMU's & now Mk2 coaches. | Page 17 | Western Thunder">The Colonel's Birmingham Bodges. EMU's & now Mk2 coaches.</a>

The Penguin Of Doom

Western Thunderer
Flippin heck!

And there was me thinking my methods were "ambitious". Iploffy has really excelled.

It's nice to see there are some similarities in methods suggesting I've not gone too awry with my plans.

I daren't pose the question over on his thread but did the rake get finished?



The Penguin Of Doom

Western Thunderer
Hi all.

I was at Scarborough yesterday and the stock from the Scarborough Spa Express included a VB Mk2 BSO. I was able to get some very good detail shots of one side at least from an elevated position.

There are nearly 60 shots in all which would all need resizing to post here, so whilst I know some don't like facebook, it is easier and far less time consuming for me to just post a link to my facebook page.....

The penguin of dooms model railway projects
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Please feel free to browse the pictures and use as necessary.



The Penguin Of Doom

Western Thunderer
Hi all.

Work has now started on the BFK which is a new venture and a little different from my methods with the TSO in that when replacing the window panels, the lower tumblehome panel has nothing to "hold on to" so to speak and so ends up "floating" pending replacement of the window panel.

I was not happy with the first side of the passenger area as it was a little flimsy and came away when work started on the second side so whilst doing the second side, I decided to add small plastic pegs to keep everything together. Once Araldited, I expect the integrity of the bodysides to be quite strong and think I will use this method when constructing the brake section of this coach.

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