Weathering SOO Line style


Flying Squad
Hi Jordan

Excellent weathering. :thumbs:
You have really brought the trucks to life. I particularly like the rusty scratches, and the very rusty patches on the roof of the hopper.
The pads are a useful tip too. I'm sure I have a set I bought for decorating that are still in the wrapping. ::)


Yorkshire Dave

Western Thunderer


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    CN GP9.jpg
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CME & Bottlewasher said:
Without boring, I will say is that the rust has been shaded (as with military models) as rust isnt always red/brown :thumbs: The rust bursting through effect is done using masking liquid, salts etc....


CME :wave:
I would agree. to me the key colour in old rust is blue as opposed to the fresh rust which, for want of a better word,  is more orange


Western Thunderer
I got a couple of shots of Soo hoppers for you in Field yesterday mate, will post them wehm I get back to the UK! also spent a bit of time around the spiral tunnels.. Words fail me for just how astonishing the whole thing is...


Jordan or Plymouth Mad

Mid-Western Thunderer
Scale7JB said:
I got a couple of shots of Soo hoppers for you in Field yesterday mate, will post them when I get back to the UK! also spent a bit of time around the spiral tunnels.. Words fail me for just how astonishing the whole thing is...
You could always model Proto48, y'now...... :scratch: :)) :thumbs:


Western Thunderer
Simon Dunkley said:
For those who haven't seen it, and regardless of your modelling "persuasion", they have a superb website cum newsletter, which is well worth a look.

The insulated 8,000 gallon WINE  :eek: :eek: :eek: car would be a welcome addition to any layout - especially in this weather :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

cheers (hic)



Western Thunderer
Jordan said:
You could always model Proto48, y'now...... :scratch: :)) :thumbs:

Oh don't... It's pretty tempting!! In Banff at the moment, and the horns are echoing around the valley..!!



Western Thunderer
I have them in much higher resolution if you would like them..

Plus some more modern hoppers too..



Western Thunderer
Hi Steve they were actually in a place called 'Field' the original HQ of the Canadian Pacific railway..

Do a search for Field, British Columbia in Google maps, and follow the railway line North-East, and you will see the Spiral Tunnels.. One of the greatest railway engineering feats in the world.. And it really is..

The rockies are actually North-East of Field on the Icefields Parkway (if I remember..)
