Yorky D's Küchentisch - Hand lettering - 2nd attempt....

Lamp hut
  • Yorkshire Dave

    Western Thunderer
    This is something which arrived unexpectedly in the post with another order....

    It's the Intentio LMS lamp hut.... This can also be used as a light railway ticket/parcels office!

    Here are the elements of the kit. I had already curved the corrugated card roof by moistening the back gently rolling it around a broom handle and leaving it to dry.

    LH 1.jpg

    A few hours later ..... we have this........ It was painted and weathered using Vallejo acrylics and Games Workshop washes.LH 2.jpg

    I removed one of the corner bricks..... LH 3.jpg
    LH 3a.jpg
    LH 4.jpg

    LH 5.jpg

    I glazed each frame individually and 'broke' one of the panes. LH 6.jpg

    Unfortunately the lighting is not brilliant today and I take some more photos if it brightens up!!!

    And the hut probably needs a vent.
  • Yorkshire Dave

    Western Thunderer
    This thing has been sitting on the shelf for what appears eons - my first and only brass steam loco kit (Oakville) built years ago :eek:.

    I've backdated it to the Southern Railway first modifications - cab, cab steps, lamp irons and bunker but retaining some of the US fittings namely the Nathan injectors, chime whistle, smokebox steps and the number disc on smokebox door. I had also corrected some faults such as shortening the front end of the chassis between the buffer beam and front driver and beefed up the connecting rod between the rear and centre drivers.

    USATC 03.jpg

    With this being built several years ago I made a bit of a hash of the rear of the cab... i.e. took too much off leaving a crater :rant:. It was this which consigned the model to the shelf.....

    USATC 04.jpg

    With my metalworking skill sort of moving on a bit and being parsecs from reaching the Superleague of rebuilding (Mickoo, PAD, Dikitriki, et al :bowdown: :bowdown:), I cut a new piece of brass from scrap etch, copied the front cab roof profile and cut and filed to shape.

    A section was cut out of the cab rear and the new piece soldered in.

    USATC 05.jpg

    USATC 06.jpg
    Although not absolutely perfect, I think there will be a witness mark after painting which I'll try and disguise with weathering to make it appear as if it had been battered by coal loading. There's obviously some tidying up to do to make it presentable e.g. manipulating the roof. Now, if I was modelling a BR version the increased bunker hopper height to halfway up the windows it would hide 90% of this join....;).

    Naturally, having seen the photos above and thinking about it whilst typing this perhaps I should have cut a larger piece and placed the join in line with the top of the bunker. Having now thought of it.... I may just give it another try. :confused:

    At this juncture this is likely to be my only brass steam loco kit build unless the Met E class appears. :)

    In the meantime I'll stick to the odd carriage, electric and diesel loco brass kits as so far I find these a tad easier to build, methinks :rolleyes:....
    Bedford MWD
  • Yorkshire Dave

    Western Thunderer
    And now for something different....

    An Airfix 1/48 Bedford MWD......


    With new wheels from Dee Model and detail/replacement parts from Hauler.


    Starting with the chassis and fuel tank retaining straps.


    The fuel tank fillers were made up from 1mm brass wire and the caps are from the detail fret. And yes they are hexagonal. The moulded radiator grille was removed and the etched grille is to the right.


    Radiator grille installed.

    Ford AA
  • Yorkshire Dave

    Western Thunderer
    Next up is this....

    A cheap 1/48 scale Ukraine kit for a Red Army GAZ truck of which the original was built in the USSR under licence from Ford - based on their AA truck. I purchased this to build as a 1930's Ford AA truck.

    It is a funny kind of styrene and not as crisp as Tamiya. Tamiya produce a GAZ truck but it is the later war version with angular mudguards and a utility cab.

    AA 001.jpg

    Anyway these are the results thus far.

    AA 002.jpg

    I've used radiator from the Tamiya kit as I accidentally knocked over the liquid glue .... oh :shit:! - which destroyed the radiator in the kit .

    AA 003.jpg

    I wanted the truck to appear as if it's parked half on the kerb and half on the road which means more of the weight is on the road tyres. The tyres in the kit are made of a rubbery plastic (gun elastic according to the box lid). To achieve this effect I warmed the tyres on a hotplate on the gas stove and applied some pressure to flatten the road tyres and a lighter pressure on the kerb tyres.

    AA 004.jpg
    AA 005.jpg

    Vallejo acrylics, again, are used for painting along with washes and dry brushing.

    There's still more to do - wing mirrors, front bumper, headlights, glazing, number plates, windscreen wiper, move the steering column to the right, etc, etc.....
  • Yorkshire Dave

    Western Thunderer
    Following Heather's observations regarding the cab shape on the Opel Blitz I've had another look and it'll be tricky to convert to a Bedford cab...... I'll take the lazy option and build it as Dutch or German civilian vehicle - so some Hauler etched parts are on their way :) .

    In the meantime a start has been made on the US 6x6 aircraft fuel tanker.

    Chassis - the 'sagged' wheels are from the DEF Model range.

    GMC 002.jpg

    And yes, they are Uniroyal tyres....

    GMC 003.jpg
  • Yorkshire Dave

    Western Thunderer
    Work started on the Tamiya 1/48 GMC fuel tanker a few weeks ago....

    This was testing the DEF Model resin wheels

    GMC 002.jpg

    Then over the last week it has reached this stage.
    GMC 004.jpg

    It still needs it's fuel line cupboard doors and the wing mirrors. A bit of an ill fitting cab door, then the vehicle has been abused a bit ;)!GMC 005.jpg
    GMC 006.jpg

    Here I was trying to get the fuel stain to run along the seam then onto the walkway. Uniroyal tyres (tires?) this time....:rolleyes:GMC 010.jpg

    Next up will be this 1/48 Airfix offering with a Hauler detail etch.
    Alb 01.jpg
    Intention SR platelayer
  • Yorkshire Dave

    Western Thunderer
    Something concrete for a change....

    A pair of Intentio SR platelayers hut and a tool hut. These are destined for a LT layout as they had this combination at Amersham.

    The build is covered by Pencarrow here from post #1508 on.

    Here are the results so far and the chimneys are not yet fitted . The panes are individually glazed :eek: and I added the lift rings in the roof. All are painted with acrylics and a multitude of washes.

    Cracked corner post.
    SR 01.jpg

    And an open window on this one. SR 02.jpg
    SR 03.jpg

    Tool hut.SR 04.jpg

    And the combo....SR 11.jpg
    SR 12.jpg
    SR 13.jpg
  • Yorkshire Dave

    Western Thunderer
    Next up is this Intentio flat pack - a 1970's style Portakabin.

    Like the previous Intentio kits I have built this one also falls together....

    PC 03.jpg

    PC 04.jpg

    I replaced the fold-up card corner posts with suitable Evergreen styrene angle and added the soffets from styrene strip.

    PC 05.jpg

    Then painting began.

    The building was primed with a light grey primer then followed by several washes to give the building a used look - all Vallejo acrylics let down with water. Stone grey, black/grey and dark rust with the occasional hint of green. The frame was painted black/grey and the window frames Tamiya Flat Aluminium.

    PC 11.jpg

    PC 12.jpg

    PC 14.jpg
  • Yorkshire Dave

    Western Thunderer
    A bit more work on the Portakabin.

    The building was glazed last night and today I attended to the roof.

    Some styrene strip was laid around the edge of the roof to create a lip, painted with Woodland Scenics asphalt paint and whilst wet sprinkled Woodland Scenics fine soil turf. When dry I zapped it with a rattle can varnish to seal it. After this it was then dry-brushing and washes. The roof and supports are not permanently fixed yet.

    PC 19.jpg

    PC 15.jpg
    PC 16.jpg
    PC 17.jpg
    PC 17a.jpg
    PC 18.jpg

    And finally the door....

    .....I gouged out some of the MDF from the bottom then stuck a layer of paper over the door. Once this was dry I cut the paper with a knife over the gouged area pushed this in as if it had been 'kicked in'. I also attacked the door with a blunt instrument. Once completed the door was painted followed by washes and dry-brushing.

    The door handle was made up from bent wire and the escutcheon plate from styrene. The sweep at the bottom of the door was made from styrene and painted with Tamiya Flat Aluminium

    PC 20.jpg

    The door ajar here shows the 'aluminium' sweep at the bottom of the door.

    PC 22.jpg

    Still to be made are the steps, window security grilles and an electrical junction box.
  • Yorkshire Dave

    Western Thunderer
    Very nice Dave. I'm glad you mentioned security grills, particularly as the door has been kicked in....

    Now with added security.... on six windows at least - I ran out of mesh and will have to trawl the spares box to see if I can find some more to complete the three remaining windows. Small pieces of styrene represent the security mesh fixing brackets.

    Quite simply the window security mesh was made up from 0.9mm brass wire and mesh soldered together. The Portakabin logo was a t'interweb download and scaled.

    PC 24.jpg
    PC 25.jpg
  • Yorkshire Dave

    Western Thunderer
    Who would of thought a mundane 'wouldn't give a second glance' building would require a lot of work.

    Tonight I made up a security grille for the door, made up the steps and a handrail.

    PC 26.jpg
    PC 29.jpg

    May turn it into a NSE station diorama and paint the town red...

    PC 28.jpg
    Roadside station sign made up from tube and a downloaded image with a new name in the correct British Rail typeface downloaded from t'interweb. Rail Alphabet was designed by Jock Kinneir and Margaret Calvert as part of the 1964 BR modernisation. The same people who redesigned the road signs.

    PC 27.jpg
    ROD 608
  • Yorkshire Dave

    Western Thunderer
    Recently been weathering a Minerva Kerr Stuart Victory.....

    Turning it into a neglected loco by it's new owners. I painted the rods red to contrast with the neglect. Again, all done with Vallejo acrylics.

    Minerva KS 05.jpg
    Minerva KS 06.jpg
    Minerva KS 07.jpg

    For the ROD 608 lettering I made a stencil from a downloaded photo. I adjusted the perspective to get the lettering correct and then printed it to scale. The relevant sections were cut out and then it was laid on directly on the the tank side white paint was dabbed on with a cotton bud. The gaps in the lettering were painted in by brush.... then removed as part of the weathering process!

    Minerva KS 03a.jpg
  • Yorkshire Dave

    Western Thunderer
    And now for something completely different...

    I've completely lost enthusiasm for the 7mm and O scale modelling at the moment while moving stuff around the house and sorting out a new front door to replace the current one which is starting to rot at the bottom.

    While packing away the 7mm stuff I came across this old P4 layout I had started to build in a guitar case.

    Guitar 03.jpg
    Guitar 05.jpg

    I wanted to keep the building as it was scratchbuilt so the P4 track was ripped up and the thought had crossed my mind to build an industrial estate or out of town supermarket on the track bed....
    Guitar 08.jpg

    I also painted a new backscene.... Guitar 09.jpg

    In the end I decided upon a tram style layout as if European trams had been brought in and re-gauged to 760mm (HOe). The tramway overhead cable masts are cut down bamboo skewers.

    Guitar 12.jpg

    Two trams are the cheap Atlas Editions from fleabay. This is the München A2.2 type motorised with a Kato 4 wheel drive. Guitar 21.jpg

    It was stripped down into it's components and repainted into LT colours and some new Straßenbahn Stromabnehmen ordered direct from Sommerfeldt. For the lettering I used the 7 point decals I had commissioned in 7mm scale - and there's a story......

    I had commissioned 7mm London Transport decals for my 7mm LT stock and they initially printed them at 7 point :headbang:and not 7mm scale. However, they were very good and reprinted them at 7mm scale at no extra cost :).

    Guitar 24.jpg
    Guitar 25.jpg

    There's work to be done on this model.

    To be continued......
  • Yorkshire Dave

    Western Thunderer
    ...... the next tram was this Atlas Editions Allan Beijnes 1931 Werkspoor tram for the RET (Rotterdam) system.

    Again this was stripped down and the original paint removed for detailing. I was going to repaint this into LT colours but I liked the Rotterdam colour scheme to I repainted it into it's original colours losing the markings in the progress.

    Guitar 34.jpg
    Guitar 35.jpg

    This was re-gauged and re-powered using a Kato-Atlas drive from a N-gauge Atlas dash 8 40-B. The original truck side frames were filed flat and the tram truck frames stuck over the top.

    Holes were cut into the die-cast chassis and the gear boxes were cut from the Kato-Atlas chassis. A new motor from my stock was installed and the propshafts made from 0.5mm i/d neoprene tube.

    Guitar 37.jpg

    I made up a new motor support from brass and adapted the split frame pick-up system originally used. The pick-ups are soldered to thin double sided PCB stuck to the chassis thereby maintaining insulation.Guitar 38.jpg
    Guitar 39.jpg

    The interior was cut around to fit over the gear boxed and motor. Guitar 31.jpg

    Next up was the detailing. The front windscreens were cast lumps and I decided on the following action....Guitar 32.jpg

    And some more interior detail. Guitar 33.jpg

    Again a new strassenbahn pantograph was fitted. Guitar 36.jpg

    Again, this still requires finishing.

    The third tram is one of the die-cast models made as a souvenir model of the tourist Lisbon trams. Stripped and repainted into LT colours. The pantograph is temporary as it's a SBB version not really suitable for a tram.

    Guitar 42.jpg

    Motorised with a Kato 4 wheel n-gauge drive and the original tram side frames extended to 28mm
    Guitar 41.jpg

    Guitar 43.jpg

    Guitar 44.jpg

    More to come in due course...... and I may re-gauge the drives to 16.5mm as the München and Rotterdam tramways are 1435mm (standard) gauge. Lisbon trams are metre gauge.
    Weymouth Harbour
  • Yorkshire Dave

    Western Thunderer
    As promised earlier here are my dad's slides of Weymouth Harbour taken in 1961, a few others from Dorset and Stranrear. Some have been reproduced here previously and are reproduced again for completeness.

    Weymouth Harbour 01 1961.jpg

    Weymouth Harbour 02 1961.jpg

    TSS St Patrick was built for the GWR in 1947 and operated the Weymouth-Cherbourg and Channel Islands services. Her sister, TSS St David was based in Fishguard. TSS St Patrick was transferred to Southampton in 1963.
    Weymouth Harbour 03 1961.jpg

    Weymouth Harbour 04 1961.jpg

    Weymouth Harbour 05 1961.jpg

    Weymouth Harbour 06 1961.jpg

    Weymouth Harbour 07 1961.jpg

    West Bay 1961
    West Bay 1961.jpg

    Abbotsbury 1961
    Abbotsbury 1961.jpg

    Lyme Regis from the Cobb taken during the 1960s - with another RAF boat. Also interesting as you were able to drive straight onto the beach and park. This one is in my collection from my Mum's side of the family who were not as meticulous as recording locations as my dad. It came in a box marked 'Dorset' and with a bit of research I found the location.
    Lyme Regis 1960s.jpg

    And finally two of my dad's of Stranrear Harbour in 1959/60. SS Hampton Ferry (built 1933) was one of the three SR Dover-Dunkerque Night Ferry vessels with a train deck (the others being SS Twickenham Ferry and SS Shepperton Ferry). She went north in 1956 to operate the Stranrear-Larne service after the tragic sinking of the MV Princess Victoria in 1953.Stranrear 01 1959.jpg

    Stranrear 02 1959.jpg