Just printed off some destination boards I've either photographed, found on the LT Museum collection website or from t'interweb.
They have been re-scaled but a test reveals further resizing is required.
There are obvious omissions from the list on the left for which I have not yet found suitable photographs and they are - WATFORD, HARROW, LIVERPOOL S
The ones I did not know existed are on the upper right and was surprised to see GREAT MISSENDEN ! Of course the one on the lower right is before LT ceased running trains to Verney Junction.
Another missing destination board is EDGWARE ROAD which I only found out from the RAYNERS LANE board. It appears some of the destination boards are double sided and the RAYNERS LANE board has small lettering running up outer ends and on this face they read RL - ER (Edgware Road). As can be seen below MOORGATE has M - WM P (Wembley Park) on this side.
NEASDEN shows N - BK (Baker Street); BAKER STREET shows STAN (Stanmore) - BK and UXBRIDGE shows UX - H H (Harrow on the Hill). I would assume from the destinations it appears these boards were interchangeable with T stock which would imply there are other destination boards yet to be located. Some of the boards are Met in origin e.g. Baker Street/Stanmore, Verney Junction.
And being tested... A end (from photos I've seen the A end always faces London).
D end
Still waiting for the decals
