'corporate Blue' Livery Applied To Hymeks

Thats the light, the coach is in shadow.
Trevors shots are better and to me they show the same shade on coaches and loco......

I see what your saying, yet the coach definately looks cleaner/newer:)

Yes Trevor's shots do show the same 'difference' in colour and are a good point of ref:thumbs:


Western Thunderer
Colour is always a bit bugger to properly assess. Trevor's first photo shows two different shades of blue on the loco body side, the lower curve under being noticeably darker. There's a possibility that the tumblehome on blue grey stock may lead the eye to believe that some locos were painted a lighter/different shade of blue because the majority of a carriage's blue is in the shaded zone whereas the majority of a loco's is in full sun.

Photos are notoriously unreliable recorders of exact shade, but I've an idea that atmospheric conditions may also have their part to play. We undoubtedly live in a less smoky world than the sixties/seventies. I'm always amazed by the change in colour of everything when following a car or van that's burning more lubricant than fuel. Imagine the effect of industry, household heating, power generation and the very non-eco internal combustion engine on photos taken forty to fifty years ago.

Never having travelled lower than North Wales until rail blue got properly into it's stride I know nothing of chromatic blue; but I do have an idea that rail blue in the late sixties and early seventies was a subtly different shade to that in the eighties being a little more blue, little more vibrant. I can't I'm afraid point you in the direction of any conclusive evidence, and as I've argued that photos are a bit pants for this sort of thing you would rightfully pour scorn on me for doing so. All I have to go are memories and impressions, and a tiny chink of a possibility in the Parkin Mk1 book where changes in painting techniques are mentioned as well as the unsuitability of the early blue paint which led to its formulation being changed. I rest what little of a case I may have.


Active Member
Hi all,

In a moment of idle contemplation, I was wondering if the 'corporate blue' (on the Hymeks with the grey/white window surrounds) is/was the same as the BFYE Hymeks, as it looks different to me....I know we all see/perceive things differently and that BR colours were open to interpretation etc.....

.....But these blues seem different - or is it just the cab colours that make them look different?

I was also wondering how Heljan had portrayed/interpreted such too....


I bought a blue Heljan Hymek sometime ago as I wanted to model one with the blue cab surrounds. The colour i used was Precision Rail blue and the match with the rest of the loco was perfect, see attached
D7051a.jpgD7051a.jpgD7051 c.jpgD7051  d.jpg


Pennine MC

Western Thunderer

Not really:

The Chromatic Blue 'Myth' - Rail Blue Or Not Rail Blue?With the comparatively new era of the World Wide Web many questions have arose considering whether 'Chromatic Blue' ever really existed. With the introduction of the new livery, paints and paint application was, as with the railways, entering a new era of advancement. Many manufacturers put forward their ideas and presumably wishful guarantees on how the new pigment would look, and moreover....last. During these early years several methods were tried and tested to evaluate the hue and quality with regard to both looks and service life. Several application methods were evaluated; by the well used and infallible brush, by spray painting, and the relatively new 'airless' spray method. Any of these could also have been possibly given a coat of varnish again, to evaluate qualities.
With this in mind, and with no actual physical evidence to hand, the standard rail blue colour could 'appear' in archive photographs to be several shades different to that of the standard. Indeed, even today, with now many of the first generation diesel and electric locomotives in preservation, rail blue looks certainly different when recently applied to that of units several years old.
Chromatic or rail blue? - the debate goes on.....

That site also describes the experimental liveried Brush 2, D5578, as 'chromatic', which it definitely wasnt.


Just been writing something up and came across these picture of a couple of models I'm working on, sorry their not Hymeks.



OK, both locos were built at the same time, had the same preparation, same primer, equal amounts of blue paint and were photographed at the same time, same location and same camera settings.

Now which one is painted with Rail Blue:confused: