B462076 - PALBRICK B
Western Thunderer
All Ends Up
The weekend overtime has - for once - paid dividends to the Works.

The picture above (another example of the Crewe L Enlargement technique) shows a more fixated finale to the Palbrick. In order to make firm the end, we’ve drilled and pinned all four corners (0.3mm) before dropping some Henkel (Loctite to you and me, but the pun is all, here. Even if it is weak) on it. We’ve also started to fill the offending gaps twixt the uneven whitemetal end platform and the strengtheners with some Squadron White. This will be sanded, I’m sure. But that’s a job for another day. This one is done, for us.
Here’s a shot of the days doings from a more tolerable distance:
The weekend overtime has - for once - paid dividends to the Works.

The picture above (another example of the Crewe L Enlargement technique) shows a more fixated finale to the Palbrick. In order to make firm the end, we’ve drilled and pinned all four corners (0.3mm) before dropping some Henkel (Loctite to you and me, but the pun is all, here. Even if it is weak) on it. We’ve also started to fill the offending gaps twixt the uneven whitemetal end platform and the strengtheners with some Squadron White. This will be sanded, I’m sure. But that’s a job for another day. This one is done, for us.
Here’s a shot of the days doings from a more tolerable distance:
