Modelling on a £1200 table.
Hi a few of us picked up some of these at Kettering GOG show last week taking advantage of their offer of 4 for £100.00
Overall the vans are great, the V hangers on the brake gear are a little on the thick side
(about a scale 1'
)but if you can live with that then they are ok...
I've done one modification so far, the van sides are screwed to the van floor but not secured at the corners, this makes the roof loose to solve this problem I've MEK'd the corners and further secured them with 'plastruct' L section...

Overall the vans are great, the V hangers on the brake gear are a little on the thick side
(about a scale 1'

I've done one modification so far, the van sides are screwed to the van floor but not secured at the corners, this makes the roof loose to solve this problem I've MEK'd the corners and further secured them with 'plastruct' L section...
