Skytrex Vans


Western Thunderer
Ross, you've done a good job there :thumbs:

I was wondering if any of the Parkside bits would be worthwhile using and cost effective to use if you simply cut out the break gear and replaced? :eek:


Flying Squad
I'd be well pleased with that, a massive improvement on the undergubbins as originally supplied and you can't beat having a model that's been "made your own" through working on it:thumbs:



Modelling on a £1200 table.
Ross, you've done a good job there :thumbs:

I was wondering if any of the Parkside bits would be worthwhile using and cost effective to use if you simply cut out the break gear and replaced? :eek:

Yeah I think it probably would have looked slightly better and that way the brake hangers wouldn't still be a solid lump and we would have eliminated the brakes being on, on one side whilst off on the other as this is a vacuum fitted van. Thought who's gonna know once its on the track anyway and you can't see both sides at once....



Flying Squad
Hi Ross

Is the Skytrex chassis made of the sort of plastic amenable to sticking with butanone or superglue, or is it that horrible flexible stuff that can't be reliably stuck with anything?



Modelling on a £1200 table.
Hi Ross

Is the Skytrex chassis made of the sort of plastic amenable to sticking with butanone or superglue, or is it that horrible flexible stuff that can't be reliably stuck with anything?


Hi Richard yes can easily be stuck with mek or butanone... I used a cyno adhesive but only because I used brass rod instead of polystyrene as I couldn't find any of the latter... really liked your silk purse from sows ear comment in locked classroom thread by the way Richard thats what I do and glad you appreciate that mate...

Regards Ross


Modelling on a £1200 table.
Now that's what I call a work bench for an enjoyable relaxing hobby! O Gauge modelling, and a jug of ale within arms reach.. top notch! :) (...although too much ale could lead to some unusal alignment of the brake fittings... :eek: )

Van looks great.:thumbs: I might have to give that a crack on mine.


Ha ha didn't realise my pint was in view thats so funny.. sometimes I need a beer to pluck up the courage to to make a start especially if its an expensive kit lol. ...

Regards Ross. ...


Western Thunderer
I'd be well pleased with that, a massive improvement on the undergubbins as originally supplied and you can't beat having a model that's been "made your own" through working on it:thumbs:


The principle works for the spectator just as well as for the builder. I'd far rather see something a short of perfection that has the stamp of the individual than perfection itself that's been churned out of a factory and just placed on the track.


Flying Squad
The principle works for the spectator just as well as for the builder. I'd far rather see something a short of perfection that has the stamp of the individual than perfection itself that's been churned out of a factory and just placed on the track.


But I also like factory 'perfection'. In 7mm scale we have the Masterpiece Models Britannia at some £3.5k The reason I like it, is it makes me want to roll up my sleeves, get stuck in, and better it. I may not be able to, but I'll darned well try.



Western Thunderer

But I also like factory 'perfection'. In 7mm scale we have the Masterpiece Models Britannia at some £3.5k The reason I like it, is it makes me want to roll up my sleeves, get stuck in, and better it. I may not be able to, but I'll darned well try.


Ooooooo, that's perfection, but not factory built mass production perfection. From Masterpiece Models site, "We do not produce virtually indistinguishable models with the occasional different name and number or odd modification or another livery thrown in. Our customers can expect nothing less than a thoroughly researched, hand built, unique and exceptional model based on their own specification and input." It's the hand built part that raises it above the rest. A couple of years ago Simon was talking about a mutual friends kit built engines in 4mm scale, many of which had eventually been released as rtr offerings by Bachmann and Hornby. Simon's opinion was that nice though the rtr models were he'd rather have the kit built examples. This runs counter to what many modellers seem to think when their own hand built or kit derived models are the targets of the rtr companies. Having an intimate knowledge of their own creations, they become hyper aware of its flaws, and easily seduced by the pristine crispness of the machine made alternative. I may be way out of step but I find much of the factory fresh and unaltered rtr a bit sterile in a 'Stepford' kind of way. However the Britannia is utterly gorgeous and somehow manages perfection without sterility, a class act.


Western Thunderer
The principle works for the spectator just as well as for the builder. I'd far rather see something a short of perfection that has the stamp of the individual than perfection itself that's been churned out of a factory and just placed on the track.
I think you flatter the knowledge and eyesight of some of us spectators!

Len Cattley

Western Thunderer
Those models from Masterpiece models are superb, to dear for me though. Would love to know how they do the wheels also where do they get the ball bearings from for the rods and the wheels?



Modelling on a £1200 table.
Hi just a quick one this... I've painted all the undergubbins that I did any alterations to tonight with satin black. I've also painted the wheels and axles with black too. Thought the wheels looked a bit shiny from chemical blacking and the axles were silver which needed a tone down.. I'll weather them once I have the other three to this stage..
