6 results found for 'Hywel Thomas'

  • 1970s Heavy Metal in South Wales

    Hywel Thomas

    Issue 194 (2009)



    Morfa Bank Sidings (MRJ 186) handles a lot of steel traffic and Hywel Thomas guides us through his impressive and varied specialist fleet of 4mm coil wagons.

    Bogie Coil V (dia. 1/404). Coil C (dia. 1/422, 1/423).Coil J. Coil F (dia. 1/424). Coil K (reissue of dia. 1/408). Coil X (dia. 1/468). Coil T (dia. 1/458). Coil Flat ET. RTB-owned ex-Minerals. Steel AB Kinky Beam.

    Tags: BR / British Railways / British Rail, wagons

  • A 1972 visit to Morfa Bank Sidings

    Hywel Thomas

    Issue 282 (2021)



    Hywel Thomas's Morfa Bank Sidings has been a highlight in the pages of MRJ over the years. Following a translocation into a new home, with various additional scenic works undertaken, Hywel has kindly agreed to take us on a tour round the layout, 1970s style.

    Tags: layouts

  • A Michigan Shunter for Morfa Bank Sidings

    Hywel Thomas

    Issue 246 (2016)



    Hywel Thomas describes the construction of a most unusual and distinctive motive power that will be put to good use on his resurrected Morfa Bank Sidings layout previously featured in MRJs 186 and 194

    Tags: scratchbuilding, tractors

  • Morfa Bank Progress

    Hywel Thomas

    Issue 246 (2016)



    Photograph and brief details of progress on rebuilding Morfa Bank Sidings previoulsy featured in MRJs 186 and 194

    Tags: BR / British Railways / British Rail, diesel locomotives, goods / freight, layouts

  • Morfa Bank Sidings

    Hywel Thomas

    Issue 186 (2008)



    Attracted by rough track, shabby buildings and highly specialised wagon types, Hywel Thomas finds modelling inspiration in the run-down South Wales steel industry of the early 1970s, the only place in Europe you could find big Alco diesels alongside Capris and Cortinas.

    Tags: BR / British Railways / British Rail, diesel locomotives, goods / freight, layouts

  • Morfa Bank Sidings

    Hywel Thomas

    Issue 255 (2017)



    Way back in 2008, Hywel Thomas's Morfa Bank Sidings made its debut in MRJ 186. An awful lot has happened in the intervening period and we're delighted to report the layout is still under development and that Hywel has put together this update on where things are at present

    Tags: BR / British Railways / British Rail, diesel locomotives, goods / freight, layouts