radio control

  1. Greengiant

    The Yard - A small industrial layout in 7mm

    This thread will be quick, to bring it up to date on how a group of four of us built this layout, The Yard, to an initial deadline of 13-14 January 2018. Some may have already seen it on other Forums or on Facebook, so I will try and get this thread up to date ASAP. It all started on 2...
  2. Giles

    7mm The Sparrow

    Having prepared various locos and stock, and most of a ship in preparation, I should really come clean with the layout that is about to commence, proper..... 'THE SPARROW' (10' x 3' plus fiddle) The actual 'Sparrow' being the ship - a 120ft steam coaster more or less in its last days...
  3. simond

    Radio Control

    Apropos the discussion that started in Simon’s “Back End” thread, rather than clog his layout progress, herewith a new thread to gather ideas and links for radio control of locos, and the resultant possibility of no track wiring, so-called “Dead Rail”. I’m aware of several approaches, Deltang...
  4. Giles

    Giles' misc. Work bench.

    I've been doing some small bits and pieces recently - not directly layout related, but this one I thought I would try to see how possible it was. It's not complete, but its mostly there..... It's a Duncan's Models Aveling Porter Road Loco (1:43) which I wanted to see if it would be possible to...