This thread will be quick, to bring it up to date on how a group of four of us built this layout, The Yard, to an initial deadline of 13-14 January 2018.
Some may have already seen it on other Forums or on Facebook, so I will try and get this thread up to date ASAP.
It all started on 2...
Having prepared various locos and stock, and most of a ship in preparation, I should really come clean with the layout that is about to commence, proper..... 'THE SPARROW' (10' x 3' plus fiddle)
The actual 'Sparrow' being the ship - a 120ft steam coaster more or less in its last days...
Apropos the discussion that started in Simon’s “Back End” thread, rather than clog his layout progress, herewith a new thread to gather ideas and links for radio control of locos, and the resultant possibility of no track wiring, so-called “Dead Rail”.
I’m aware of several approaches, Deltang...
I've been doing some small bits and pieces recently - not directly layout related, but this one I thought I would try to see how possible it was. It's not complete, but its mostly there.....
It's a Duncan's Models Aveling Porter Road Loco (1:43) which I wanted to see if it would be possible to...