MB-24 no.5 (Matchbox / Bachmann)
Richard Gawler
Western Thunderer
A while ago I developed a British H0 habit. This was only loosely “British” because I considered anything which ran in Great Britain (including Continental outline subjects) and even subjects which were physically small enough to run here but never actually did.
I have been looking through my photos and it seems sensible to share them here. Many of the photos appeared on RMWeb but got lost, while the narrative here is new. In very broad terms, the models ought to be able to populate a modern scene with a local preservation society on-board, and such a layout is a possible project for me after I finish my 7mm scale Heybridge Railway.
My first loco conversion was the Matchbox MB-24, this was in October 2015.

The chassis donor is the Underground Ernie inspection car by Bachmann.

The wheelbases are nearly identical.

This is the power unit before modifications.

I gave the chassis new outside frames and a coupler at one end. The springs are Airfix/Dapol railbus ones.

There is enough space to include the cab bulkhead, just.

The body carries the coupler at the other end.

Everything fits together, not much space to spare but later I put in a DCC decoder.

The body colour is Halfords Volvo Dark Grey.
This is about right for H0, but a bit small for 00.
I remember I bought the source model on eBay for £1 plus postage. The result still runs really well. With its tiny wheelbase and rigid chassis this loco out-performs models which have cost me a lot more.
I have been looking through my photos and it seems sensible to share them here. Many of the photos appeared on RMWeb but got lost, while the narrative here is new. In very broad terms, the models ought to be able to populate a modern scene with a local preservation society on-board, and such a layout is a possible project for me after I finish my 7mm scale Heybridge Railway.
My first loco conversion was the Matchbox MB-24, this was in October 2015.

The chassis donor is the Underground Ernie inspection car by Bachmann.

The wheelbases are nearly identical.

This is the power unit before modifications.

I gave the chassis new outside frames and a coupler at one end. The springs are Airfix/Dapol railbus ones.

There is enough space to include the cab bulkhead, just.

The body carries the coupler at the other end.

Everything fits together, not much space to spare but later I put in a DCC decoder.

The body colour is Halfords Volvo Dark Grey.
This is about right for H0, but a bit small for 00.
I remember I bought the source model on eBay for £1 plus postage. The result still runs really well. With its tiny wheelbase and rigid chassis this loco out-performs models which have cost me a lot more.