Flannel? Well here goes. Another hour or so and the most apparently complicated bits (which on a scratchbuild - especially on a wagon this short - I would almost certainly never bother with), the various linkages which, on the real thing, actuate the brakeshoes. Justin has made these as a single piece, but they are modelled in a suitably fiddly level of detail with fold-up overlays which require lots of little bits of brass to represent boltheads and the pivots used to mount the thing to the floor.
For anyone who wants to try this at home, the trick is to fold the overlays into a U shape, tack solder them to the main linkage etch and then to open out the holes to suit 0.45mm wire. You can then put in the cosmetic bits of wire before adding the pins. It's a moot point as to whether these boltheads will be visible and they could easily be represented by a half-etched, embossed, rivet on the overlay. The presence of the holes mean that you really have to add the pins and this is a fiddle.
The instructions rather overcomplicate this; there's a nice little diagram which shows what bits go where and another which shows which holes need to have a bit of excess on each side and a photo. This does the job rather more effectively than the page of text that accompanies them.
Brake yokes next. I'm looking forward to these; the first time (in 4mm) that I've encountered such things properly modelled to represent the fabricated originals.