Bachmann 08 painted


Western Thunderer
many thanks Steve and Rob, it ran well last night and the dirt was accepted as 'near enough'

Started painting 13115 this morning and that will be finished with 'a show of the black satin varnish' - as requested. Pictures next week.




Western Thunderer
and then there were two............................



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Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Ressaldar said:
Now for the Hughes Crab.........................

I look forward to that Mike :thumbs: that's another one on my I would like one of those list (the trouble is such lists are endless :)))


Western Thunderer
Bachmann Hughes Crab 2-6-0 - painted

Rob Pulham said:
I look forward to that Mike :thumbs: that's another one on my I would like one of those list (the trouble is such lists are endless :)))

Hope it meets with your approval Rob - my friend wanted it clean :eek: :eek: :eek: - I didn't think that they existed 'clean' - but then I'm from South of the Thames



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Western Thunderer
Hi Rob,

thanks for that, I would still like to throw some dirt on it though before I hand it over tomorrow night.



Simon Dunkley

Bachmann Hughes Crab 2-6-0 - painted

Ressaldar said:
I didn't think that they existed 'clean' - but then I'm from South of the Thames
Apart from the work of the exceptional Robert Surtees (whose designs were kept very clean) were there any engines Sarf of the river which were worth keeping clean?

Steph Dale

Western Thunderer
Bachmann Hughes Crab 2-6-0 - painted

Simon Dunkley said:
Apart from the work of the exceptional Robert Surtees (whose designs were kept very clean) were there any engines Sarf of the river which were worth keeping clean?

He he - I'm sorry I had to rise to that particular bait.  Yes, I'm a fan of Surtees; in terms of consistency he was a wonderful engineer; I can't think of a duff design.  Holcroft too, for that matter.  But for my money I'd put pretty much any of the Drummond 4-4-0s in to that category.  Hence the reason I'm the owner of the Reserve National Collection of Finney T9 kits...  :headbang: ;D ::)



Western Thunderer
Hi Simon,

certainly there were: the Adams 4-4-2t, Stroudley 'Terrier', the Marsh J 4-6-2t and of course the Schools - all in their original and Southern liveries, unfortunately, by the time that I became interested in railways, the dirt ruled the day!



Rob Pulham

Western Thunderer
Ressaldar said:
and of course the Schools

I have to agree there Mike, I have been fortunate enough to see quite a bit of Repton over the years and it has a definate presence when you are stood beside it.


Western Thunderer
Nice lining job Mike :thumbs:, lets hope your customer will let you weather it. I have a commission for a "Crab"in S7 waiting in the queue to be built, and yes Rob it will be in crimson lake ;D but I don't think it will be until next year ::)



Western Thunderer
Hi Col,

thanks for your kind comment. I used HMRS Pressfix and each line is applied idividually - the width between the grey and red differs on the corners and the straights and the valances are all from straight lines that I persuaded to go 'round the bend' as the pre-drawn curves were nothing like those that I needed :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:




Western Thunderer
Great Job on the Crab Mike :thumbs: how do you find the HMRS transfers and do you have to use some kind of softening agent to tease them round the bends. I've read somewhere I think that such a thing can be used to work transfers around rivet details etc...?

ATB Mick

Simon Dunkley

Knew that would draw people out of the woodwork... :)

Ressaldar said:
certainly there were: the Adams 4-4-2t, Stroudley 'Terrier', the Marsh J 4-6-2t and of course the Schools - all in their original and Southern liveries, unfortunately, by the time that I became interested in railways, the dirt ruled the day!
Steph Dale said:
Yes, I'm a fan of Surtees; in terms of consistency he was a wonderful engineer; I can't think of a duff design. 
Holcroft too, for that matter.  But for my money I'd put pretty much any of the Drummond 4-4-0s in to that category.  Hence the reason I'm the owner of the Reserve National Collection of Finney T9 kits.
Yes, all wonderful examples, and to be honest I would say Adams, too - for the most part (as Bradley points out, the 0415 was his third bite at the atlantic tank cherry - except his Chief Draughtsman was Pettigrew, to whom more credit should go. But most of these are lone examples, or a single group (yes, Drummond 4-4-0s were good, after they took out the silly cross-tubes, and fitted superheat, etc): very few loco designers managed the track record of Surtees: not even such "greats" as Churchward, Stanier (actually, mostly E.S. Cox who designed the Duchess when Stanier was in India) or Gresley (Peppercorn for a large part - why the A1 was so good!), for they all had some designs which turned out to be flawed. (I will now duck and run before being lynched by the Gresleyisagod Society and assorted loonies.)

And when it comes to diesels, we usually find that where BR was less involved, e.g. 08, 20, 26, 33, 35, 37, 55 then the locos were better than the BR equivalents, except for the HST and if the modernisation plan had been properly thought through and followed, maybe the 42 and 52 with a bit more work*. But we kept the railway workshops busy at the expense of the good loco builders like BRCW and BP, ultimately losing all the export business we once had.

We could go well off-track with all this, mind, but it is salutary to sit back and consider objectively how few loco designs really were good, and how few loco designers managed to get a fairly clean bill of health without (m)any duffs.


*They were very nearly brilliant, just not quite so. But more importantly, hamstrung by being perceived as being different for (WR) difference's sake, rather than the result of inspired thinking from basic principles. Nothing a bit of fine tweaking couldn't have resolved. (Like Stanier's Jubilees, really.)

PS, for those who wondered who on earth Surtees was, he was chief draughtsman on the LCDR, and also for Wainwright: the latter was a carriage and wagon man with a superb aesthetic eye: the SECR D is essentially an LCDR M3, slightly enlarged, designed by Surtees but they drew the outline on the paintshop wall, and Wainwright put in all the lovely lines to make it look beautiful.
Sadly this sort of info will never come up in a pub quiz!


Western Thunderer
Hi Simon,

glad that you like the Crab.

I agree that the D should be on the list - a very graceful loco - in any livery



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Simon Dunkley

Ressaldar said:
I agree that the D should be on the list - a very graceful loco - in any livery
Lovely: quite possibly the most graceful steam loco ever built. I think they look cracking in early Southern olive green livery, which was wonderfully restrained.


Western Thunderer
7mmMick said:
Great Job on the Crab Mike :thumbs: how do you find the HMRS transfers and do you have to use some kind of softening agent to tease them round the bends. I've read somewhere I think that such a thing can be used to work transfers around rivet details etc...?

ATB Mick

Hi Mick,

thanks for your kind comment.

I like the HMRS Pressfix, never got on with Methfix and as far as lining is concerned, cannot abide Fox. As the valance is in four pieces (including the bit under the cab) it made it more managable. I also cut the lining as close to the colour as possible - especially the grey as this is difficult to see through the carrier, and was then able to offer it up to the lower edge 'on the straight' and then slowly coaw it around the curves, using only water as an aid. I have never tried the 'Decal fix' type of products.

