Tony Comber
New Member
Arceurotrade sell blocks (Stevenson's metric blocks) with the holes tapped M6 Arc Euro Trade Ltd - Search Results
Tony Comber
Tony Comber
Looking good! It is strange how eyesight changes, even naturally. I was always short sighted, wearing glasses for driving etc, but a few years ago found reading books a bit more challenging so went back to the optician. She told me my eyes had changed their focal length and I no longer need glasses to drive, but I do now wear reading glasses and sometimes an opti for modelling.Cottage #3 was put on hold because my bionic eyes weren't up to it. In the meanwhilst, I've made a (slow) start on cottage #4.
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My new eyes have a focal distance of about 40-50cm, which is a bit long for fine modelling. However, what I imagine others achieve with opti-visors I can achieve with a pair of my wife's pharmacy-grade readers and a desk lamp, so I think I'm set, i.e. a focal distance of ~20cm.
But it is weird putting glasses on for close-up work: I used to have to take them off.
Having gotten to this point with cottage #4, I might as well continue, then return to #3.